Plugin category: World managment Suggested name: Wourldguard Effect Deny What I want: I would love if someone could make a plugin to add onto worldguard the adds an extra flag to the plugins region function that allows you to deny a certain potion effect. It is very straight forward I hope that it is not too much either. There is a plugin out there similar but knid of does the oppisite of what I am looking for in my plugin The use of this plugin will be to enforce only certain type of pvp in specific areas. It may also be helpful if you use this link when making a custom flag for Worldguard Thank you in advance to anyone who takes on this project. Ideas for commands: /rg flag <region_id> effect-(effect name) deny ex: /rg flag arena1 effect-poison deny Ideas for permissions: Anyone who has the Worldguard perms to set flags When I'd like it by: As soon as anyone can get around to it.
@JordyPwner The only thing close to this that worldguard does already that I can find is denying splash potions.