WorldGuard and Towny [Urgent]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Evangon, Dec 23, 2011.

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    When I add someone to Towny, they can build in any WorldGuard defined areas. If I only define the worldguard area, they can't build. I use WorldGuard because Towny selects the chunk, and we already pre-layed out the city we built with custom sizes.
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    I support this and need something to fix it too ^^
  3. I support it as well, it's impossible to make a whole pre-defined town now :/
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    Towny isn't made for predefined towns, which is why it makes a snapshot when you claim a plot, so when then town goes into ruin it gets erased. I know it sucks but you can only do this if you set the worldguard owners along with the towny plots which is too much work xD and try using smaller plots for pre-defined towns.
  5. Ah well that sux :/ They should make another similar plugin where you can create pre-defined towns with plots and all ready to go that never "goes into ruin" and also have the other options where you create a small town by claiming chunks.

    But just maybe it is possible! Since WorldGuard selects in a cube you could figure out the centre of a selection and then see how many ? x ? blocks and that way change the towny config and set the default chunk size to that and then claim a chunk. Or am I totally out of the box here :O
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    2012-06-12 20:16:12 [INFO] User checked for "', "*" found
    else it doesnt work for others, why is that like that? its not a region its all the world?
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