Worldguard and Houses - problem with priority

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Misiek92, Jan 8, 2012.

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    I have a problem with worldguard, becuause his priority is higher than plugin Houses. I don't know, how can I explain it.

    I created the region by WorldGuard, and I am an owner. I put there a plot (?) (Houses plugin) and different user can but it, but can't do it anything.

    I am working on the server, and I need a big region where default users can't do it anything, but they can buy a plot, and there build something. You know - castle and plots. So, what I should to do? Maybe you have different propositions? I just need a system, where I can set a region no-build, and in this set a plot to sell/buy. Resident plugin could be perfect, but doesn't work with rc1. Towny is too difficult, because I want to have easy to play server.

    Thanks for help, and I'm sorry for my english. I know, it's bad, but I hope you understand my problem and me ;)
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    I am with the same problem... :(
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    did you check how work parent system in world guard cause that can solve your problem

    at 1st i would do this i would select whole town in closed region so only i can build in it or trusted users

    than make parent chind regions in it so other players can for example build inly in 1 part of it

    here is link to worldguard pdf

    look at parent system so i think you can set child to whole group
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    Yes use world guard it helps alot you can add plots heres some simple commands and info
    To set the region of protections select two points with the wand=w=WoodenAxe
    and if you want it to goto bedrock/skylimit type "//expand vert"
    to make the region protected "/region define (namehere)"
    You can set flags for the area command is "/region flag (name) (flag) (yes/no/deny/allow)"
    to add plots you will need to make a second region as the plot like lets say your "Castle" is 100x35
    you can make plots inside like 6x4 and. so just set your plots i sagest not expanding plots to bedrock/skylimit
    after you add the region type "/region setparent (nameofplot) (nameofregionyoumadetheplotin)"
    Ex..Region named Bob will be the parent region plot will be the region with in Bob
    "/region setparent plot Bob"
    Hope this helped This plugin also :Requires: WorldEdit:
    More info here
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