Plugin category: Development Minecraft version: 1.8.9 Suggested name: EZGenerator What I want: I'd like this plugin to allow me to generate a world normally with Multiverse but not to use 1.8 blocks in the world. Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin. Ideas for permissions: No permissions When I'd like it by: In a few days
@ckav11 How to do this without a plugin. 1. make a 1.7.10 server. 2. Generate the world. 3. Load the world in 1.7.10. 4. Change to server version to 1.8.
That solution he said is a way better alternative then waiting on a forum for someone to answer when they most likely won't and his solution is also way better than getting a developer to create a brand new world generation plugin. This plugin generates 1.7.3 worlds, which is basically the same: Let me know how it works out for yah.