Suggested Name: Worledit Delay Description: Basicly, you make a selection of an area in Worledit and then type /wbd set <Blockname> <Blocks per second> and like worldedit the blocks will be placed down except they will be built one at a time therefore reducing extensive use of RAM. Suggested commands: /wbd Main command /wbd set <blockname> Blocks per second> Places blocks with worldedit with a delay. Suggested permissions: webuilddelay.use. Access to all commands When I would like this plugin: ASAP! I have a server to run! Cheers! KingIngot
Well if its lag your worried about you can use ASyncWorldEdit. It is a very well made plugin, highly recommend it.
I'm not really worrying about lag I'm worrying about constantly having to purchase more RAM for my server. But thanks anyway!
@bwfcwalshy Cross out "I would", "you are" is the correct term. @KingIngot Worrying about having to purchase more resources and worrying about lag go hand in hand with each other, so you are in fact worrying about lag then. There are multiple solutions to this.
How so? "You would only need more ram if you had lag so you are worry about lag."... Meant "you should"? @KingIngot One of which is