World Lock/Prevent players from entering a certain world

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Chief_Sunboyz, Aug 25, 2018.

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    So the title says it all. I'm making a small ffa server in which players are allowed to build, it's setup to automatically reset the map (undo all block interactions) every 30minutes. The players are given a 15 second warning and are teleported to spawn 5 seconds before the reset. The problem I'm having is that you can rejoin the map as it's being reset which isn't ideal. I'm looking for a plugin that'll allow me to do /lockworld {world name}, and then /unlockworld {worldname} so that players won't be able to join the specified world until after the reset is done. Preferably there would be two permissions - lockworld.bypass (Bypass the lock) and lockworld.admin (ability to do /(un)lock world)
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    I made a similiar plugin a while ago. But I need your server version to make it compatible
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    I'm running spigot-1.8.8-ro.1-snapshot-latest,
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