Solved World Guard Bug?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Da_Spooky, Sep 1, 2014.

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    Basically I did somthing wrong and can't fix it. So I need a workaround for /region addmember. editing the region.yml worked for adding individual players but I need to figure how to add groups in the region.yml using the group.<group> permission which I have already set up. If anyone could enlighten me to do that it would be wonderful. Thanks!

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    Da_Spooky You just use /rg addmember g:<groupname>

    The user also requires the permission node group.<groupname>
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    TreeDB I know, but whenever I do that I get an error saying "An error has occurred please see the console". I will give you the error code from the console but it has been cut off slightly by multicraft(I use a hosting service). If you could tell me how to fix this it would be great
    Error Code
    Plugins(All up to date):

    AutoBroadcaster AutoBroadcasterPlus by skipperguy12 Release
    AntiSpam Plugin created by Lele991 Release
    BuyRegion Mature
    Citizens Release
    ClearLag Clear your lagg! Release
    dtlTraders Citizens2 trader trait. Release
    Essentials Provides an essential, core set of commands for Bukkit. Mature
    HolographicDisplays Release
    MineResetLite A lightweight solution for Mine management. Release
    PermissionsEx PermissionsEx - New powerful users and groups permissions manage... Release
    QuickSignReloaded Release
    Rankup Allows players to pay for new ranks. Release
    Vault Vault is a Permissions & Economy API to allow plugins to more ea... Mature
    World Portal Beta
    WorldEdit Release
    WorldGuard Release
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    The proper command format is /region addmember <region name> <user name>
    For example,
    1. /region create spawnWorld
    2. /region addmember spawnWorld Notch

    - Mark

    Da_Spooky Try updating to the most recent worldguard AND worldedit files.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2016
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    already did mobkinz78 And I started this server less than a week ago so they are most definitely up to date.
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    On a part of the wiki it tells you how to do add a group instead of a player. See TreeDB post mobkinz78
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    Da_Spooky Please provide the full server log. Its located at logs/latest.log within the server directory. You can normally access it from ftp.
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