World::getBlockAt () at unloaded chunk

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Borch, Feb 7, 2011.

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    I'm currently away from my dev machine, otherwise I would have done some testing before asking.. ;)
    What happens if you call getBlockAt() for a coordinate that lies in an unloaded chunk. Will it return null, some garbage, or will it load the chunk and return the block? (Or something else I can't think of)
    If it will load the chunk: When will it be unloaded again? Right after the call? After a fixed period of time? Or just just when the server needs the memory to store some other chunks?

    And also (this can probably only be answered by a dev): Is the current behaviour currently intended to be the "final one", or are there plans to make it act differently?
    --- merged: Feb 9, 2011 12:52 AM ---
    HERP DERP bumping after one day. Someone plz? =)
  2. Offline


    Fairly sure it will still return the correct block.
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