Hello I am Joker and I would like to suggest that armor be added to wolves. Note: I have multiple ideas on this, some ranging from rather simple others to extreme complexity. The Idea: Wolves with Protective Armoring. I personally would like armor to be put on wolves because I am player on a pvp server that is limiting people to one wolf per person. If anyone is like me they will probably getting even the smallest hint of a personal attachment to the wolf and therefore will want them to stay alive. This also needs to be implemented because wolves themselves do not have a very smart path finding system meaning they are prone to drowning, burning in lava, and doing the Wiley Coyote off the mountain side. Also pvp itself for me will be a problem because destruction happy lunatics will make their way to my pup and go Texas Chainsaw Massacre on them while wearing their previous targets pelt as a nice furry cap. So in conclusion its a dangerous world out there for the furry friends and they need a new lease on life. So here is how it could be done! First, how is it going to be made? Well we can do it one of two ways. 1. Armor for wolves could simply be the regular player armor. *I'm thinking that only the chestpiece and helmet will fit him, plus what wolf like booties? 2. A special armor just for them. *Still only chestpiece and helmet. * As a demonstration this could be a recipe for the helmet. Then we have to consider will the armor have different levels like, Leather, Iron, Gold, Diamond? For this I have no real opinion. I will just say that I would like wolves to be able to withstand two extra hits from a diamond sword than a non-armored wolf. So we can either have a wolf wearing diamond armor that can withstand the barrage while a leather wolf gets decimated. Or we can have nothing but wolves donning the best leather armor you have ever seen, that can duke it out with the diamond patrol. With that out of the way we have to decide, How will armor actually affect Mr. Wolf? I really only think that there are two ways to do this but there might be more. Anway though this is how I think it can be done. The Armor Armor: This way of armor would give the wolves actual armor like it is seen on players, blocking a percentage amount of damage. (Based on type of armor, if we go that way). I'm no java expert but I'm thinking this would be the complex way to do it. If we do this we have to consider the usage on the armor as well. Being two ways of doing it. 1. Give armor a set amount of uses. Say let it take about 50 hearts of damage before breaking? (I have no concept of how armor usage actually works) 2. Giving armor the already set amount of usage based on the material it is made of. * Only plausible if we actually decide to have different types of armor. The Heart Armor: ( I suggest we use this one!) This armor would simply give wolves more health when equipped with armor! As you can see this method is much simpler and I'm guessing more easily done? I'll explain the math for you on this so that all you have to do is the coding for this. Only problem is then your armor is forever fresh and doesn't break, unless you die. How it works. Vanilla tamed wolves have 10 hearts this is enough to withstand 1 blow from a diamond sword which does 5 hearts of damage. 10-5=5/ 5-5= DEAD So we have two things to work with Helmet and Chestpiece. One of these two ways is how it would go, depending on if we use multiple types of armor or just one armor. 1. Multiple type of armor: Since a diamond sword does 5 hearts of damage, the wolf needs 10 extra hearts to survive 3 hits, the forth being the death blow. 20-15= 5 / 5= ALIVE (coincidental match with the drink, I think not!) This means that the diamond armor for a wolf would provide 10 extra hearts. Then we would scale by "two"s for each drop in material of armor. The following is a chart for it. * All hits a from a diamond sword! Diamond = 20 hearts, can survive 3 hits! Gold = 18 hearts, can survive 3 hits, but with less health, bow much? Iron = 16 hearts, can survive 3 hits, but with much less health, oh were is MY wolf? Leather = 14 hearts, can survive 2 hits, oh look he is dead! _________________________________________________________________ Diamond Helmet = 4 hearts / Diamond Chestpiece= 6 hearts / Total= 20 hearts Gold Helmet= 3 hearts / Gold Chestpiece= 5 hearts / Total= 18 hearts Iron Helmet= 2 hearts / Iron Chestpiece= 4 hearts / Total= 16 hearts Leather Helmet= 1 heart / Leather Chestpiece= 3 / Total= 142. Straight 20 Heart Armor:*This would be used if we used the straight leather armor (only one type of armor)Helmet = 4 hearts Chestpiece = 6 heartsYeah the last part of how all this would work!!!Now we must decide how Wolfy McWolferson gets his new diggs. What I would like to have is likely very complex and is either not possible or will take a lot of work. So I provide what I want, and then what I can stand.1. I would like a bar next to the one in the users inventory that would be the wolf's armor slots. As you can see in this image the first bar is wolfies because he likes only chestpieces and helmets =)But I will accept.2. Holding the armor in my hand and then right clicking it onto the wolf.If I left anything out please let me know by stating below and I'll edit the post to correct it presently. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope very soon that this will become a part of reality!Minecraft forum for thread. Discussion anyone?http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=262865
okay yes it would have to client and server side mods, while the GUI could also maybe even be added by notch, that would make it a default option therefore removing the headache for plugin developers on coding it so wolves could have it. That in mind, adding new items only server side will not allow players to use them or even see the out come. So then it would have to be yet again client and server mods. So for example look at planes v6 mod or SDK gun mod; they have to edit and add to the code of the sever software coded by notch, which then allows it to work because then both sides have the recipe to make and the item in the item list, so if you were to try and make a item from a mod on a unmoded server you can see its outcome but cant pick it up