Wither raiding limiter

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by kman0323, Sep 10, 2014.

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    Plugin category:

    Suggested name: Wither raiding limiter

    What I want:

    whats inside the { } is optional
    {Configurable percentage of wither skeleton head drop rate.

    Configurable option of wither skeleton spawning in the nether naturally/skeleton spawner
    with the ratio configuration if possible of wither skeletons to skeletons.

    Configurable option of allowing wither skeleton to spawn in the main world thought skeleton spawners with the ratio configuration if possible of wither skeletons to skeletons.}

    Configurable cool-down of withers allowed to be made/spawned in a 100x100 area

    Configurable option of allowing wither to break any block (not including bedrock)

    Configurable option of how long a wither may live for.

    Configurable option of withers taking damage in water/lava. Percent damage taken per min in the water

    Configurable option that allows withers to stay at the same block height as spawned/made at.

    Configurable percentage of withers dropping wither stars

    Configurable option of allowing withers to me made/spawned.

    Ideas for commands: /wither cooldown

    Ideas for permissions: witherlimiter.cooldown

    When I'd like it by: by September 20th
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