[WIP] V10lift

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by V10lator, Oct 22, 2011.

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    Don Redhorse

    I would make one now... also perhaps include the code you used to figure this out...
  2. Reported. Even if I hate it to give out codes from WIPs. :/
  3. Can you please please give a plugin, with just up and down moving blocks??
    That is possible I think. Just remove the redstoone part until the bug is fixed.

    Please go on!! FAST!
  4. Offline


    really? I thought he made in clear that he is not going to release it until it works properly. If you want one, why not make it yourself?
    V10lator likes this.
  5. Yeah, but it would work if he just removes the redstone part. The redstone part is not the most important one. So he can release it without redstone and then, if bukkit/ mine craft fixed the bug he could release the hole plugins.

    Please do it on that way!
  6. @The Potioncraftlers: Please, please stop acting like a little child. All you do right now with your posts here and your PMs is annoying me. A few times I was at the point to say "I do my best but some ***** tell me that isn't enough, so why should I do anything?" and I wanted to delete the whole project from my workspace cause of YOU!

    Again: Yes, I could revert it to the old state (that is shown in the videos) and release this, but what would be next? The bug would get fixed, I would update the plugin and everybody would complain cause every input had to be re-created.

    So please stop this... I liked to code V10lift but right now... well... I hate it... other functions that have to be implemented aren't cause every time I look at the codes I get the feeling that I can do what I want, people like you will complain, so I close the workspace and work on other projects... :'(
    cubeShaun, Brain and Nox13last like this.
  7. Dude, you're getting hassled by PMs? Not cool.
    I replied to this thread once without paying much attention and someone called me out to be a dufus. I'll admit I still don't quite know what's going on, but I know enough to know that rushing isn't gonna do any miracles. I'd rather see a robust plugin later than a sloppy one now. And I'm sure when you're eventually ready to release it, it'll be everything Elevators was, and much more.
    Don't let petulance get you down. We have ladders in the meantime that work within the confines of an elevator shaft, and you have eagerly waiting people who support you (but are mature enough to not scream at you, or anything).
  8. Offline


    Hey V10lator,
    I was a really big fan of the Elevators-Plugin, and I think yours will be great to. And I'm very interested in the language futures. Can Users later make her own 'language.txt' or how do you solve it? If it's finished I can do the german translation for you (if you agree to).
  9. Custom language packs aren't planned atm (why do you think that?) but maybe you'll see it in a later version.
    If there will be support for language packs I won't need somebody for the german translation, cause I'm from germany... :)
  10. Offline


    ok ;) <-- Mulilanguage xD
  11. I found a bug on the old elevators-plugin, which will infect your plugin maybe too.
    If the elevator is on the ground, beneath it it's dark of course. But when he lifts up the light isn't recalculated and it's still dark, even if there is a torch right in front of it...
  12. As I found a workaround for the bug:
    Now it's time for alpha testing!

    First off: The commands:
    * /v10lift create - To create a new lift.
    * /v10lift delete - To delete a lift.
    * /v10lift edit - To toggle editing mode on/off. In editing mode you can add/remove floors and redstone inputs.
    * /v10lift floor - To add/delete floors.
    * /v10lift input - To add/delete redstone inputs.
    * /v10lift help <cmd> - to get help (for the command "cmd", if given).


    * v10lift.build - can build new lifts.
    * v10lift.admin - can edit/delete all lifts.


    If you still builded a lift you can build signs with the following content everywhere (except in lift cabins):
    your lift name
    your lift name
    your floor name
    The first one will show you at which floor the lift has stopped or in which direction the lift moves while the second only shows if the lift is at the floor given on line 3.

    If you start building a lift (so before you used /v10lift create) you are able to put a sign into the cabin. It has to have [V10lift] on the first line (this will give you a warning that there's no lift name given, but it's really just a warning). Then, when you right click all blocks by creating the lift, right click that sign, too.
    With this sign you can select a floor (right click) and move the lift to it (left click).

    <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)">!!! WARNING !!!</font>
    This is a early alpha. Bugs are to be expected! Don't run this on productive servers. Report every bug you find but don't blame me for them and don't expect support!
    If you don't read this you really shouldn't <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Please report every bug you find, but be verbose! Bug reports like "Mah lift won't move, eh?" will get ignored!

    Happy bug hunting! :)

    //EDIT: @Schwarzer Zylinder: I noticed that some time ago, too. But newer tests didn't show such a behavior, so it seems to be fixed by mojang. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
    Don Redhorse likes this.
  13. Offline


    can u make a video how to create a lift
  14. @mc_gamer: Seriously? I should tell you that you shouldn't test it if you don't know how to use it, but anyway:

    (could take some time to upload/convert)

    BTW: You can check a few pre-builded lifts at mc.v10lator.de:25555 - There's also a freebuild region with chests full of stuff to build new lifts. :D
    TopGear93 likes this.
  15. Made my day :D
  16. Offline


    im german so i dont understad all you write :D i nedet the video to understand the commands and the plugin is grate i tested it on my server but the kift is a bit slow
  17. Offline


  18. @mc_gamer: Just for you and cause I'm bored... I hope you read it, I translated it by hand... :/

    Show Spoiler
    Da ich einen Würgaround für den Bug gefunden habe:
    Jetzt ist Zeit zum alpha testen!

    Zuerst: Die Kommandos:
    * /v10lift create - Um einen neuen Lift zu erstellen.
    * /v10lift delete - Um einen Lift zu löschen.
    * /v10lift edit - Um den Editormodus ein- und auszuschalten. In diesem Modus kannst du Stockwerke und Redstone Eingänge hinzufügen/löschen.
    * /v10lift floor - Um Stockwerke hinzuzufügen/zu löschen.
    * /v10lift input - Um Redstone Eingänge hinzuzufügen/zu löschen.
    * /v10lift help <cmd> - Um Hilfe (Für das Kommando "cmd", falls gegeben) zu bekommen.

    * v10lift.build - Kann neue Lifts bauen
    * v10lift.admin - Kann alle Lifts löschen/bearbeiten.


    Wenn du bereits einen Lift gebaut hast kannst du Schilder mit folgendem Inhalt überall (ausser in Aufzugskabinen) aufstellen:
    Dein Aufzugsname
    Dein Aufzugsname
    Dein Stockwerksname
    Das erste zeigt dir an welchem Stockwerk der Lift steht oder in welche Richtung er sich bewegt während das zweite nur zeigt ob die Kabine an dem auf der dritten Zeile angegebenen Stockwerk steht.

    Wenn du mit dem Aufzugbauen anfängst (bevor du /v10lift create benutzt hast) kannst du ein Schild in die Kabine setzen. Es muss [V10lift] auf der ersten Zeile stehen (du bekommst eine Warnung das kein Liftname gegeben ist, das ist aber wirklich nur eine Warnung), Wenn du dann alle Blöcke rechtsklicken musst vergiss nicht auch das Schild anzuklicken.
    Mit diesem Schild kannst du ein Stockwerk anwählen (rechtsklick) und den Lift auf die Reise dorthin schicken (linksklick).

    <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)">!!! WARNUNG !!!</font>
    Dies ist eine frühe alpha Version. Rechne mit Bugs! Führe dieses Plugin nicht auf produktiven Servern aus. Melde jeden Bug den du findest aber beschwere dich nicht dafür und erwarte keinen Support!
    Wenn du das nicht liesst solltest du das Plugin nicht <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Bitte melde jeden Bug den du findest, aber sei ausführlich! Meldungen ala "Ey alda, der dreck bewegt sich nicht, ey?!?" werden ignoriert!

    Fröhliches Fehlersuchen! :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  19. Offline


    thanks ^^
    and can u make it a bit faster
  20. np. :) You can also give me bugreports written in german. Either here (but then add a english (google :D) translation, too) or via PM.
  21. Offline


    when the elevator is moving a stone appears
  22. Also bitte, mehr Details! Wenn sich der Aufzug von ... zu ... bewegt? Wo genau erscheint der Stein? Bilder/Videos/Ein server um such die Sache genauer anzusehen? Irgendwelche fehler in den server logs?

    So please, detail this report. When the elevator is moving from ... to ...? Where exactly does the stone appear? Pictures/Videos/Live server to have a look? Any errors in your servers logfile?

    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    * Added /v10lift whois command - Use it to see which lift a block belongs to by right clicking it (you must be lift owner or have the permission v10lift.admin).
    * Fixed lift queues.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  23. Offline


    i mean you see only the texture of a stone and nothing difrent all you see is the texture. in the server log are no errors. i make a lift room like on your server
  24. Offline


    Moin .. Zuerst ein großes Lob von mir ..
    ich warte seit gefühlten Ewigkeiten, daß ein solcher Elevator wieder zur Verfügung steht. ;)

    Ich habe vorhin die Alpha2 installiert, und mir ist folgender Fehler aufgefallen.

    Nachtem ich den ersten "Testaufzug" erstellt hatte, und er auch gut funktionierte, habe ich ihn wieder
    "deletet", um eine optisch bessere Variante zu bauen.
    Nach eingabe von /v10lift delete test, bekam ich auch die meldung, das er removed ist.
    Leider lässt sich kein neuer Aufzug an gleicher Stelle bauen.
    Wenn ich die Blöcke abreiße, und neue Plazieren will, verschwinden diese gleich mit der Meldung:
    Block addet to lift ... bzw Block removed from lift.

    Ansonsten finde ich den Aufzug bis jetzt noch etwas Langsam, aber daran arbeitest du ja noch ;)

    Weiter so, und ich freue mich schon auf das ferige Ergebnis ^^

    Lieben Gruß Protus

    edit ... Ich habe grad eben gemerkt, dass ich offensichtlich noch im Create-Modus war.
    Nu scheint es zu gehen .... sorry ;)

    PS: My English is very bad .... I haved translatet via Google ;)

    Moin .. First, a high praise from me ..
    I've been waiting forever felt that such an elevator is available again. ;)
    I have just installed the alpha2, and I noticed the following error.
    At night, I had created the first "test lift", and he also worked well, I saw him again
    "deletet" to build a visually better option.
    After input from / v10lift delete test, I also got the message that he is removed.
    Unfortunately, we can not build a new elevator at the same place.
    When I tear off the blocks, and placing new wants, they disappear immediately with the message:
    Addet block to lift ... or block removed from lift.
    Otherwise, I think the elevator up to now still a little slow, but because you are still working;)
    Keep it up, and I'm looking forward to the result ^ ^ ferige
    Kind regards Protus
  25. Offline


    Nah, there's a plugin called "SignEffects" that can toggle a lot of sounds (even the menu click- sound) without an object that creates it (e.g. door- sounds, arrow- sounds, smoke sounds, even smoke particles). I'm sure it also works with a note block? :D
  26. These examples are all possible (well, for the arrow sound and smoke sound without particles I'm unsure) but, well, don't expect things, test them... Do you know just one plugin that is able to play a note without a noteblock?

    //EDIT: @Protus: Schön das du den Fehler selbst gefunden und behoben hast. Auch danke für dein Lob. Es gibt Tage da wünsche ich mir mehr solche Posts.
    Nice that you found the mistake for yourself and that you could fix it. Also thanks for your compliment. There are days I would wish me more such posts.
  27. Offline


    I'm sorry - it's not sign- effects, it's RedstoneEffects. I've not seen a plugin who can do that for a note block, but why shouldn't it be possible if all this stuff works? It's just my thinking, I'm not a dev and can't try it. :oops:

    Anyway, your plugin looks awesome. I'm sure I could use this in my creative world. Thanks for brining it back to live. :)
  28. I'm a bit drunken right now, but let me try to explain: Minecraft has two parts: The server and the client. Bukkit is a server mod, so we can only change the server. Now we are able to send various commands to the client, for example: "Play a door sound" or "play a noteblock sound", but we're unable to control how the client reacts on them. While it seems that the client just executes the "play a door sound" it checks if there is a noteblock if we say: "Play a noteblock sound!". I would think this is because a noteblock sound is caused by the note you selected and the block the noteblock is standing on. This is just a drunken example, but let's say a noteblock has 20 different sounds, what does that mean? The server says: "Play note 5!" but now we have different blocks which can be under the noteblock, so let's say there are (still an example) 5 different block types with different sounds. Now we have 20 x 5 = 100 different sounds. What causes less lag to the server: To just get the note (between 0 and 20) from the noteblock, send it to the client and let the client decide what to play (the client has to have the noteblock, too, so it knows where it stands on) or check where the noteblock is standing on and calculate which note it has to play between 0 and 100? We don't have the same problem at a door: There's just one sound. In any cases. No need for the server to handle calculation to the client (that would only case client lag without any lag preventing for the server).
    Anyway, this is still an example spoken from a developer who can't think more than 2 sentences at a time right now and tries to get how notch would do it. *lol* I could possibly tell you what from that is truth and what is just my imaging of things, but not now... ;)
    Thanks for that words. Really, I thank you a lot for it (your words are what devs want to hear but almost never do... Why can't most people take 2 secs to say "I like what you did, thank you" but can take a lot of time to blame devs for not fixing bugs that have never been reported (or have, but needed future information, which was never given) or complain about other stupid things?). :)
    Bone008 and efstajas like this.
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    You don't sound drunken at all! :p
    But thanks for your explanation, I get it now. I've actually been quite surprised that the server is even able to tell the client to play simple sounds because... well, it's minecraft and it wasn't made for modding.
    I also think like this. I mean, you as a dev do things like this plugin for free, only for the community. I think it's pretty appropriate to thank you! :D
  30. Offline


    hey man is your elevator ready for download or are you still testing in? and id like to test it on my server if you wouldnt mind? thanks
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