[WIP] TotalQuest, TotalMap and TotalEvents

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by dadaemon, Feb 17, 2012.

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  1. Sorry for the lack of updates. Been busy working on some semi-private mods.

    Also the uncertainty of the Minecraft API has taken its toll on the plugins. If I have more certainty about the MC API I will continue working on these plugins!
  2. Offline


    So basicly what your saying is your leaving this plugin untill a new minecraft api is released :confused:?
  3. Not exactly. I'm still working on them, but just not as much as before. This is becoming a very big project and I just hope I haven't done everything for nothing. It wouldn't hurt if we had some kind of information from Mojang...
  4. Offline


    Well have you saw into the new 1.3 beta snapshoot 12w18a

    It contains a few things but i dont think anything that can break this plugin except maybe the new glass block and ice block changes..
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