[WIP] SimpleOptimize - Optimize your server for peak performance!

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by SimpleOptimizeDevTeam, Jun 11, 2012.

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  1. [​IMG]
    Current Beta Version: None.
    Current Downloads: None.
    Welcome to the SimpleOptimize development page! On this page, we will be updating you on our progress, but to get the latest news, we suggest you to watch this thread.
    SimpleOptimize aims to become the best no-lag plugins for Bukkit! We aim to prevent chunk corruption on servers, which is a problem that both NoLagg and PTweaks. Both plugins are also hardly being updated, so we aim for SimpleOptimize to be the best updated plugin as well!
    Planned Features:
    - Lag-Free TNT
    - Limited mob spawning
    - Keeps a limited number of chunks loaded at one time
    - Has a built-in command to let you know what the current server information is (RAM usage, etc.).
    If you have any features you'd like to have added, please post them here!
    Current Development Team:
    We are looking for more developers to join! Please post here if you are interested!​


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  2. Offline


    I'm interested!
    Adding the features of NoSpawnChunks to this would be good.
  3. Offline


    This plugin will be taken over by ultimatedevteam .
    This plugins' development will start in August. Thank you for your patience!
    We are currently busy with UltimateJail.
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