[WIP/FUN] MusicEvents v0.4 - Play Music triggered by various events! [1060] [SPOUT]

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by Darkedge, Sep 6, 2011.

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    MusicEvents - Play Music triggered by various events!:
    Version: v0.4
    Play Music triggered by various events! (Currently only Day, Night, Sunset, and Sunrise...)

    If you are upgrading, delete your config file.


    • Play Music triggered by (currently) time-based Events.
    • Bored of just one track? Use the config file to define as many tracks as you like!
    Download MusicEvents

    How to use:
    MusicEvents uses a system which allows server admins to define as many tracks that could be played for a certain event, for example, if you put url1,url2,url3,url4,url5 into Sunrise, when sunrise is triggered, the server rolls a die with the numbers 1-5, lets say 3 is rolled, then song 3 will be played.

    Upcoming Features:
    • Permissions Support Now officially included!
    • Multiworld Support Included!
    • PVP-based events
    • Mob-based events
    • Item-collection-based events, however, lowest on my priority list.
    Version 0.1
    • Initial Release...
    Version 0.4
    • Permissions support
    • Multiworld support
    • Commands support
    • New config file format which allows for as many possible songs as the admin would like.
    • Massive code cleanup!
    - musicevents.cantoggle - can toggle MusicEvents on and off.
    - musicevents.canstop - can stop the current song
    - musicevents.play - music will play when any of the events is triggered. (there is no point setting any of the above if the user does not have this permission!)

    • /music - gives plugin status and plugin info.
    • /music help - displays help.
    • /music toggle - toggles weather music will play when an event is triggered, and stops music if it currently playing.
    • /music stop - stops currently playing song.
    • None Known!
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    Replies? Comments? Requests? I'll be pushing out 0.2 tomorrow hopefully, it will be including commands support such as the ability to disable music, 0.3 will include permissions, 0.4 will include working multiworld support (it works currently but not well) 0.5 will be a major milestone and will probably no longer rely on lib24time, and will prob. Halve the amount of code (currently it is filled with if statements) 0.5 onwards will be including more and more possible triggers, and probably a better way to manage them. (taking suggestions). I have high hopes for 1.0.

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    OK Guys, I know I promise MusicEvents 0.2 like 5 days ago, It's coming (in about a day) I'm throwing in something special.

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    As promised, MusicEvents 0.4 (skipped a few because this includes permissions, multiworld support, commands, and a new format for picking music, which allows as many, or as little songs as you like!) for full changelog see thread.
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    I like the plugin. :p
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    Do you have any ideas on events I could implement? PVP? In a cave? etc.
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    Thanks for asking! As soon as I saw this I thought of PvP. Here are some example of what I'd like to see:
    • Hit a player, and those two people (can you do more then just two?) will get music
    • Hitting different mobs trigger music, depending on weather conditions? All, sunny, rainy, snowy :p
    • Finding a certain amount of resources for mining could possibly trigger music. To trigger it you have to mine 5 cobble 5 dirt and maybe some other stuff to see if you are actually mining? Maybe to make that part more efficient you could add MySQL support?
    • Running multiple music events at the same time, while excluding different types you don't want. So if you want to just play a sound effect for hitting a mob, while still mining things you won't lose your mood music.
    Sorry if ^ is badly written haha. Thanks for asking, as I really like thinking of new things to add to plugins.
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    It will be worked on, thanks for the suggestions.
    @gameswereus - pushing out 0.4a which will correct a bug where if you define one song, it bugs the whole server out, then I'll be straight to work with PVP-based event triggers, etc. Expect a release sometimes tomorrow, or if I get it done, today.
    Can't release 0.4a today -_- ran out of time, have other places to go to, I'm throwing in something special.

    gameswereus likes this.
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    Can't wait :p
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    0.4a released, getting straight to work with PVP triggers.
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    MusicEvents will be shown some love in a couple of hours, mob triggers working, pvp triggers will be done in a bit, then I'll work on removing lib24time as a depenendcy (thank you open source :) ) then this will officially release this. Still taking possible events/features.

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