[WIP] Everything Plugin

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by bossomeness, Feb 19, 2013.

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    Everything Plugin [cake]

    I was sitting around, wondering what I should do, and this AMAZING idea hit me. I was going to make a simple plugin, that does almost nothing, and let people add whatever they want to it! This plugin is a constant work in progress, aiming to be completely random and HUGE! Of course this is completely open sourced, so just download the current version (below) and add whatever you like! I will try to update this thread as often as possible, adding new features as they are added. I will post this on BukkitDev in the future with a list of names of people who helped :D

    This is purely a community effort, I will not profit from this, and I will not take credit for this. I will start a running list of people who help make this plugin bigger and better. Please fix any errors you cause, or even other errors, because I want this to be a fun plugin that's a resource for any new developers. This plugin should work every time you upload it. Please try to add annotations to help people follow the code more easily.

    Thanks for participating! :D

    Download Current Version
    Download Jar

    Current features:
    • heal a player with a command
    • set a player on fire for however long you want (in ticks, 20 ticks in a second)
    Current Commands:
    • /heal - heals a player
    • /fire - sets a player on fire
    Current permissions:
    • everything.heal
    • everything.fire
    If you do add stuff to this...upload the workspace and the jar file. Thanks!
  2. Offline


    ...This would work much better with github. Then, people can clone (copy) the code to their accounts, make changes, and send them to you to put into the repo. You can then set up a jenkins server to automatically build the plugin every time you make a commit on github, and just link people to that for the download link.

    As for the idea, I think that this is a terrible idea, just because the amount of extra 'bloat' it would have for server owners. Anyway, if you end up putting it on github, I will make a contribution or two :D
  3. Github, I will work on it when I get bored.
  4. Offline


    Nice avatar :D
  5. I served time for these lil fellers. They owe me. (Detention for creating presentation about Canadian sealers)
    rileyh98 likes this.
  6. Offline


    Your school gave you detention for making a presentation about animal cruelty?
  7. With a few choice words.
    Mostly for the graphic images... -.-
  8. Offline


    I have created a GitHub page, so you can now fork it :D
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  11. Offline


    Well, that part isn't terribly important, you can just build it manually every so often.
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