Why can't my friend connect to my server? HELP!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by NBAPwns13, Jun 25, 2011.

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    I Have A
    AMD Phenom(tm) II P960 Quad-Core Processor 1.80 GHz
    6 GB RAM
    When my friend trys to connect he has to wait and the it says
    Failed to connect to the server.
    Connection timed out: connect
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    Does he have the right port? Is it public? Do you use hamachi? Did your open the port ETC...?
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    Are you sure your server has been port forwarded properly?
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    if your friend aint premium and you are you gotta change the server properties to online mode false and it should work
    Port Farwarding isnt necessary if you have hamachi btw to everyone
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    It works, idk why it didn't connect him like right away =/ maybe its patients
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