Why cant i start my server ive dun it before

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Minedmaster, Aug 4, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    my cmd for minecraft says "starting minecraft server on *:25565 ****failed to bind to port! the exception was :java.net.BindException: Adress already in use: JVM_Bind perhaps a server is already running from that port" can someone plz help me

    oh and when i try to log on to it it says my servers outdated when its not >< i downloaded everything before today and it worked before today

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  2. Means that you already have an application running on that port so either change the port or make sure that port is not being used by another application.
  3. Offline


    how do i do that or check that?
  4. You can do a netstat -a in command prompt to check your ports and I'm sure they are some programs on the web which can help you.
  5. Offline


    i did that i saw the :25565 thing but it said foreign address (user)-pc:0 next to the ip hpw do i completely restart?
  6. I'd look for a program on the internet that can help you identify which programs are connected to which ports. My guess is you have a program on your pc which accepts a foreign connection on port 25565 so you might want to use some utility to check what program is doing that and stop it.
  7. Offline


    i hate had the same issue for my test server..... i cant find anything that is running on port 25565 been over a week since my test server was last up
  8. Change the port your server runs on in the server.properties file then.
  9. Offline


    ok, ill try all the ports possible ^_^ is their a range of ports that wont work for minecraft?
  10. Any port, I wouldn't use 0-1024 because they're reserved. Choose a random one, say 34214 :D
  11. Offline


    here goes portwarding hell

    EDIT i did do it on that port 34242...... nothing

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  12. You have to connect to yourserver with your port.

  13. Offline


    in my cmd it shows cant start on this port. again
  14. Change the port then until you find a free one.
  15. Offline


    long tiem :/
  16. Offline


    Try 8080.
  17. Offline


    still wont even start up
  18. Offline


    Ok try 1337. :D
  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    Will assume your OS is windows.

    CMD and type netstat. Paste here.
  21. Offline


    nothing with 25565 is open. i have vista
  22. Offline


    Make sure there isn't an old craftbukkit running already.

    If on windows or mac restart your computer.

    If on linux use (and know what you are doing): ps aux | grep java
    And find the pid of the old craftbukkit process
    Then use: sudo kill -9 pid
    Replacing pid with the pid you found with the first line.
  23. Offline


    Did you set the IP= in server.properties? probably shouldnt do that.
  24. Deleting the IP settings did it for me!
  25. Offline


    Moved to correct forum.
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