Which method do you use to make your world read-only?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by PatPeter, Mar 18, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    If I'm not mistaken, both PermissionsEx's ModifyWorld and EssentialsProtect allow for the protection of a world as read-only. What other plugins allow for this and which do you use/prefer?
  2. I am using WorldGuard anyway, thus it is in use for this as well.
  3. Offline


    you mean essentialsantibuild?
  4. Offline


    How did you get that working?

    Yeah, that. I'm always hesitant to add another plugin on my server, but I'm already running WorldGuard and Essentials, so it comes down to whichever one is easier.
  5. Offline


    if you already have per world permissions, simply not giving essentials.build/setting build: false would work on that world will work.

    if not, you could try set the build flag on the __global__ region of that world, i guess.
  6. In fact i am using the "dumb" way: i have made it a limited world and set one big region (town) to include all the world basically (40000x40000).

    Since some other plugins i have need or at least use the region for some features (shop finder for instance), this is they way i chose.

    Not sure if it plays nicely with the __global__ region. But it is somewhat easy to test, you would just use a specific flag to test it "/region flag __global__ tnt deny", then let some tnt go off.

    I ran into trouble with some global flags not working once or twice, though that might have been due to already fixed bugs. Using a region for a limited world could be more safe for the case of policy changes etc., but i think for using the __global__ region or configuration (?) you should ask at their irc channel or forums or someone who uses those way...
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