Where can I find a list of these things?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Treshure, Aug 26, 2014.

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    I'm new to plugin developing and while videos highlight certain events, where can I find a list of them so I can start playing around with them? Here are a few examples. (PlayerInventory and BlockBreakEvent to be specific, like all these little object declarations. Where can I find the class names?)​
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    CraftBang likes this.
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    Yes or that. xD
    Totom3 likes this.
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    CMG Totom3 Not sure why you'd use any of those, as you can simply search (Cmd + F) for the required event in the Javadocs.
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    What the fuck is Cmd? Don't you mean control?
  8. CMG the Cmd is a button in Mac OS similar to Window's Ctrl as TheMcScavenger mentioned. And of course, yes you should look at the Java Docs, they contain lots of useful information, actually everything you need to develop your plugins.
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    Ah i see, never actually used a mac keyboard before, and by the way not every bukkit developer needs to the use the java docs, i think i used them once when i started using the Bukkit API, but now, i never use them.

    CMG ...GG learning about new bukkit functionality.

    True, how come you're not a mod/admin anymore?

    CMG Retired since quite a while.

    Ah alright :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2021
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    TheMcScavenger Easier to read & see the connections between each class with Doxygen (for me at least)
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    I don't use doxygen because its sadly not mobile compatible.
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