When will CraftBukkit for 1.3 be released?

Discussion in 'Bukkit News' started by EvilSeph, Jul 27, 2012.

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    With the Minecraft 1.3 release date fast approaching, a lot of people are wondering when we will be releasing a CraftBukkit Recommended Build for Minecraft 1.3. We hope this short announcement will answer those questions.

    Due to the size of the impending 1.3 update, we are unable to guarantee that we'll have a compatible CraftBukkit Recommended Build out in time for the release of Minecraft 1.3. Although we started working on the update immediately after the Minecraft 1.3 preview was made available to the public, a lot of things were added, removed and changed in Minecraft from 1.2.5 and, as such, this update requires more work than usual to get things up and running. That being said, we'll continue to do our best to get an update out within a reasonable amount of time and will likely follow our usual policy of promoting the first Recommended Build the moment we get something that compiles and runs without any testing done whatsoever.

    As we have done a significant amount of important work on CraftBukkit 1.2.5 builds since our last RB, we'll be promoting a new Recommended Build shortly. This is done so that people have a reliable, stable build to use until we can get a 1.3 compatible build out and so that everyone who relies on Recommended Builds are able to take advantage of all the fixes, improvements and so on we've done since the last 1.2.5 RB.

    Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support; we greatly appreciate it!
  2. Offline


    i will stay awake lol
  3. Offline


    . . . MEH TOO :D
  4. Offline


    Yay for insomniacs!!!
    russjr08 likes this.
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  6. Offline


    i shall not go to sleep until it releases :D but im sooooo tired!
  7. Offline


    Thanks for the update. I'm writing a huge plugin for a party I'm hosting Saturday, and I'm hoping it gets done by Friday so I can test and debug all night. xD
  8. Offline


    I'm not going to slave over my computer waiting and checking the posts for more news, I'm going to go do other things and kill time, maybe I'll come back tomorrow. I don't know, but I'll come back when they are done, and if you haven't already been told this, they will be done when they are done. Simple as that. Stop pestering them if you want it to release, it only makes it take longer. Just let them do their thing, I've found they're good at that.

    blufat2 likes this.
  9. Offline


    I find it funny how all the whining goes away when it nears America's bed time.
    NightWolf, trainby5 and blufat2 like this.
  10. Offline


    My wife is fixing to drag me to bed soon :( I hope this happens soon :)
    on a side note im leaving my server up. my website explains how to downgrade back to 1.2.5 during the wait.
  11. Offline


    i love how some people are all acting like a hero but they are still online
  12. Offline


    Hey I'm an American :'(
  13. Offline


    Luckily, America's bed time was several hours ago.

    Continuing the luck of the situation: all server owners under 16 or so have probably been sent to bed by their parents.
  14. Offline


    Right? Someone give them a chillpill.
  15. Offline


    I like seeing all the people like me who created their account today :D
    AlaGondA87 and zaksween like this.
  16. Offline


    nope im still up.
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  18. Offline


    hence the "probably".
  19. Offline


    I'm still up cause I'm bored 8[
  20. Offline


    Meh, I created it today because I should, and because I wan these people to shut up and stop asking.
    Oh and I'm American ^_^
  21. Offline


    I have insane connection at my house, and have a bunch of dedicated racks for my web server(s) and game server(s). Paying for servers is lame. Lol
    blufat2 likes this.
  22. Offline


    And I was slow to rply to that hero comment about stay in up I was seei. Da he's t bored face XD
  23. Offline


    Me too
  24. I came up with a great solution (at lease for my players). I just downloaded all my server data to my desktop and logged into my host control panel and changed it to the vanilla 1.3 survival server. I made a small information center at the world spawn. I told my all my players that this was temporary, but that I wasn't sure for how long, especially with all the plugins we have. I told them no rules (unlike our usual Bukkit server) and that killing, griefing, ect. was allowed. First reactions from my players - Sweet! - . So now they have something to play on without having to switch client versions. And I told them we can go back to our old world, continue this one, or start a new one when all the updates are ready. I could wait this out for several weeks, however I do plan to do local testing of whatever beta build the Bukkit team releases. I know that the team is working hard and I hope that others will do like me instead of bugging the team.
    blufat2 likes this.
  25. Offline


    I hate how a lot of people Stereotype Americans
    russjr08 and imjustsayin1199 like this.
  26. Offline


    How did I come up with he's t instead of best :p stupid iPod autocrecction system

    I hate u ;.(
  27. Offline


    why did my posts get deleted?
  28. Offline


    Welcome to the club of awesome DIY server hosters.
    russjr08, Brcojo and AlaGondA87 like this.
  29. Offline


    i wish everyone would just shut up! wait for the mother trucking update like everyone else
  30. Offline


    Make sure its not on the next page
  31. Offline


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