When I Start Up Hamachi It SAYS THIS [HELP!]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by NBAPwns13, Jun 25, 2011.

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    'Failed To Connect To Engine'
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    Not quite bukkit help, but your hamachi service may not be started, or the virtual adapter for it may be disabled.
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    Go to start, right click on my computer, then click manage. On the left there is a service and applications section, click it. Then click services, and find LogMeIn Hamachi 2. Right click on it and select stop. Once it's stopped, right click it and select start. That should fix it.
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    I was running my server on Hamachi 2 for a while before I port forwarding (I recommend port forwarding) but I used to just restart the computer this is more a Hamachi problem tho.
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