Solved When i add an item to an inventory, it vanishes (and kind of want a better code for this)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by JigokuSaru, Apr 20, 2015.

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    Ok so my code seems to not show any new items it adds and im not sure why
       public void onInventoryCLose(InventoryCloseEvent e){
         if(e.getInventory() != null){
             if(e.getInventory().getItem(0) != null){
               ItemStack is0 = new ItemStack(e.getInventory().getItem(0));
               if(e.getInventory().getItem(9) == null){
                 e.getInventory().setItem(0,new ItemStack(Material.AIR));             
               if(e.getInventory().getItem(9) != null){
                 ItemStack pm1 = e.getInventory().getItem(9);
                 String type = pm1.getType().toString();
                 String amount = String.valueOf(pm1.getAmount());
                 List<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
                 lore.add(new String(amount+" "+type).toLowerCase().replace("_", " " ));
                 e.getInventory().setItem(0,setName(is0, null,lore ));
                 e.getInventory().setItem(9,new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
    If there is a better way to right this i would sure love to know what it is... I am unsure about this.
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    First thing i have to say is the player inventory is 9 slots, ranging from 0-8. SO change all 9s to 8s. Next i think you should get a player from the event e so you can work with that players inventory instead of directly from the event
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    The inventory is 27 slots and the e.getInventory is not a players inventory so thetes no player to it...
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
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    @JigokuSaru Try something like:
    public void onInventoryClose (InventoryCloseEvent e) {
        if (e.getInventory() != null) {
            Inventory i = e.getInventory();
            if (i.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(inv.getName())) {
                if (i.getItem(0) != null) {
                    Inventory pi = e.getPlayer().getInventory();
                    ItemStack is0 = new ItemStack(i.getItem(0));
                    if (i.getItem(9) == null) {
                        i.setItem(0, new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
                    if (i.getItem(9) != null) {
                        ItemStack pm1 = i.getItem(9);
                        String type = pm1.getType().toString();
                        String amount = String.valueOf(pm1.getAmount());
                        List<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
                        lore.add(new String(amount + " " + type).toLowerCase().replace('_', ' '));
                        i.setItem(0, setName(is0, null, lore));
                        i.setItem(9, new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
                    ((Player) e.getPlayer()).updateInventory();
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    @au2001ok but will this work if the item already has a lore/enchantment?
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    @au2001 try avoiding spoon feeding people that most of the time leads to a copy paste and they gain nuthing out of it, let them experiment a little bit :- )
    CodePlaysMinecraft likes this.
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    in all honesty I think its more of a correction dince it was off my original code at the top
    au2001 likes this.
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    @mine-care ok then :D but I only added one line to his code :p

    @JigokuSaru This will work with any item.
    That is a well known issue in bukkit (it might be on purpose, but I doubt it).
    When you modify a player's inventory, you need to update it.
    You do that by using player.updateInventory();
    So you would add this line once you're done with modifying the player's inv.
    This will make all the "vanished" items appear, and should fix everything.

    I hope this helped you,
    - au2001
    mine-care likes this.
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  10. @JigokuSaru If the problem is solved, make sure to set this thread to solved by going to Thread Tools (at the top) > Edit Title > Prefix > Solved. See this for more information. :)
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    I cant change that since my phone wont let me, im on a phone. Sorry if this sounds rude, but if its seems solved and you see that it was stated then just take heed and no need to comment, It is very difficult to change that for some people i think till they acquire internet on a computer of some sort
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    CodePlaysMinecraft likes this.
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    lol so far ur always there for me XD
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