Whats up with "%"?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Meatiex, Aug 8, 2015.

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    The code below works great, except when I type % in chat, the event doesn't run at all...
        public void chat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
            event.setFormat(event.getPlayer().getDisplayName() + format("&f: " + event.getMessage()));
        public static String format(String input) {
            return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', input.replace("(heart)", "❤"));
    Could anyone tell me why this happens...? and maybe how to fix it? Thanks :)
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    I'm not really experienced with #translateAlternateColorCodes. The format(String input) needs to be called.
  3. @Meatiex Translate, then replace after.
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        public void chat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
            event.setFormat(event.getPlayer().getDisplayName() + ": " + event.getMessage());
    It doesn't have to do with the other thing, the code above returns the same error...
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    @Meatiex Set the format like it's intended, don't put the player's name or message in there, just a format.
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    @Meatiex The reason it doesn't work is because you are using a character that doesn't work inside the Formatter. Bukkit is taking that input string and using it in a Formatter.
    In a Formatter, the % sign means that a formatting instruction follows.
    There are 2 variables in the default message format. One is "%1$s" which means the player's name. The other is "%2$s" which means the message they typed.
    The default message format is "<%1$s> %2$s".
    Just remember you can't use % because the Formatter uses that as a variable to format the string.

    To solve the problem, don't use event.getMessage() in the format string, wherever you want their message to appear, use the string "%2$s"

    EDIT: To format their message using your format method, you can use this line.
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    Thank you! :D
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