What this warning mean ?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by siemaeniu500, Aug 26, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    What this warning mean.

    ''[WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?''

    Plugins: GroupManagerNoCheatPlus,WorldEdit,EnderSpawn,Permissions,OpenInv,ServerLogSaver,Vault,CombatTag,AutoSaveWorld,WorldGuard,CrazyCore,MagicCarpet,EssentialsSpawn,VanishNoPacket,EssentialsChat,CrazyLogin,Factions

    I use to start server:

    screen java -Xmx2500M -Xms2500M -jar craftbukkit.jar
  2. Offline


    It means exactly what it says, your CPU is maxed out.

    You can set warn-on-overload: true to false in bukkit.yml to get rid of the message.
  3. Offline


    This is my LA

  4. you should be aware of what Xmx and Xms mean.
    Xms means that when the server starts it will be allocated (in the quote above) 2500MB (2.44GB) of ram, and that means the server will always have 512MB to play with on start. no matter what.
    Xmx means that the server is allowd to use no more than, in the quote above 2500MB (2.44GB) of ram.

    if you have say 3-4GB ram, then Xms should really be lower that Xmx so that your server has enough ram to perform other tasks. if you have something like 6-8GB ram, then ignore this.
    siemaeniu500 likes this.
  5. Offline


    So this is correct?

    screen java -Xmx2048M -Xms512M -jar craftbukkit.jar
  6. Offline


    Basicly, your servers CPU cant keep up with the system time change, notice your sun and stars/sky will be lagging also with low TPS.
    Correct this via, taking your view distance down to 3-4 in server properties, and limiting your mobs, get NOLAGG.
  7. Offline


    I have 6,5 ghz , and with 15 players have show lag it's possible ?
  8. Offline


    Give me full server specs.
    * Take down your view distance to 3-4
    * Limit mobs to less than 400
    * Dont use hectic CPU revolved plugins
    * Make sure console has no plugin errors

    get the plugin "nolagg" and config it.
  9. Offline


    With plugin nolagg i have more lagg, console has no plugin error, my view distance is 5. Probably 5gb ram and 6,5 ghz can keep 20+ players. View weeks ago I don'have lags.
  10. Offline


    if CPU cant keep up with "the system time change", your OS would shit itself and crash horribly.
  11. Offline


    View weeks ago i was not have that problem on this mashine

    It's correct command ?

    screen java -Xmx2048M -Xms512M -jar craftbukkit.jar
    I have 5gb ram.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
  12. Offline



    just do like you said you will do earlier, with start.bat having "screen java -Xmx2048M -Xms512M -jar craftbukkit.jar"
  13. Offline


    I do that, but after that i have the same lags.

    I am not understard all what you have say, i am from poland

    Please Help

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
  14. please explain exactly what your problem is as simply as you can.
  15. Offline


    I do like you are tell me and i have problems.
    My system is ubuntu 12.04 x64
  16. Offline


    dont worry about the system cant keep up warrning.you can disable it in the sercer yml..or is it the bukkit yml? 1 or the other.its called "warn on overload" set it to false. as far as lagg goes,,,,,just like any other server.if it laggs drop settings down lower untill its not laggy anymore
    siemaeniu500 likes this.
  17. Offline


    What setting? Do you explain ?
  18. Offline


    put things down like amoun of mobs and view distance. disable snooper and maybe reduce the amount of player slots
  19. Offline


    I have set:
    - slots from 100 to 60
    - snooper disabled
    - view distance from 5 to 3

    And after that i have the same problem.
  20. Offline


    and the server still laggs?
  21. Offline


    Are you running your server on the same PC you play on? Your hard drive may not be keeping up, I would suggest a RAM disk if your world is small/bordered and you have sufficient memory, you will have to back it up on occasion or setup a script to back it up for you.


    Also make sure your plugins are not running too many checks, plugins like Magic Carpet run updates constantly while players are moving, that's how it "moves", if you have too many people using this at once, it may cause lag.

    You say your CPU is running at 6.5ghz? Are you overclocking?! Regardless, just because you have a "fast" cpu doesn't mean it has a sufficient amount of threads/cache, the things that give it capability of processing more at once.

    Also, are you hosting this yourself? Check your upload speed, that may be the reason for the "lag".
  22. Offline


    Upload speed is great. I hosting my server on vps not on my PC. CPU are not overclocking.
  23. Offline


    Then as I said, try out a RAM disk, VPS hosts tend to oversell, if you keep your world limited with worldborder to about 2,500 blocks from center (5000x5000) it will take about 600mb of HDD space, with a RAM disk it will take 600mb of RAM. I always recommend RAM disks for people who have a large player count with a bit of extra memory laying around as RAM is up to 20 times faster than a traditional HDD, meaning chunk loading/unloading will be smoother than ever.
  24. Offline


    For god sake.


    This, is either caused by too many plugins, many worlds, and bad CPU/low RAM. And BTW, how can you host on a VPS< while you showed us a screenshot that looked like Windows XP (and not Ubuntu)?
  25. Offline


    This ss are from ssh client...

    DISK POWER: I usig 35gb of 100 gb
  26. Offline


    It doesn't matter how much of the drive you're using, there's a speed harddrives run at, 5,400RPM, 7,200, 10,000, 15,000, the faster the harddrive, the higher capabilities of how fast it can read and write a file to the drive. Minecraft both the client and server are very I/O intensive, I commonly recommend running the Minecraft world in RAM, especially with a VPS as VPS's are shared on a dedicated machine, meaning 4-5 other VPS's could be on that same system, including the main OS hosting the virtual OS's that you're renting/running, all sharing the same harddrive, making it sustain a heavy load. It's either make chunks load more efficiently (craftbukkit++, nolagg, laggclear), get a dedicated drive from your host, or run a RAM disk, if this is a I/O related issue.

    astroskillz, I love your bold literal enthusiasm, but he's not running too many plugins, as he said in the first post.
  27. Offline


    Thanks for that great comment! Anyway, his server still can't handle what he wants to do with it. There are so many servers out there that don't have this issue with exactly the same (essential) plugins that he has. There must be something wrong with his hardware.
  28. Offline


    VPS's are trash due to shared harddrives dual CPU servers, bogged up with 32gb of RAM, but 1 tb harddrive. Loading up 6 VPS's on that would kill the poor little harddrive, VPS's should really just be intended for web servers, FPS game servers, not so much Minecraft servers. But if you're going to choose to host Minecraft on a VPS, RAM disk is the way to go.
  29. Offline


    Ok, but tell me what i have to doing ?
    I'am not understand you at all becaus my english is not good.
    Just facts no theory !
  30. Offline


    Try to remove worlds you don't need, plugins you don't need, and try to transfer as much to MySQL. Try to gain performance.
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