What is the Swiftness potion formula?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by GxDD, Oct 19, 2019.

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    Hello. I am making a simple noslowdown checker, but I don't know what is the swiftness potion formula. I need it to not give out false positives when eating/walking on soulsand with swiftness effect on. I also need to know how to apply the formula on the known scalars(which, as far as I gathered, 0.5 for items, 0.63 for sneaking and 0.7 for soul sand)
  2. I doubt that anybody here knows the exact formula for a potion. You could try to search in the sources or just do some test on your own (to create a formula or at least get some values to use)
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    I mean, this may not be what you're asking for, but you could check to see if the player has a Swiftness effect. I don't know if that's what you're asking, but I'm just throwing it out there.
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