what happens after out of disk space

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by bluehasia, Jul 29, 2012.

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    I cant really check if im near or over the allowed SSD space alloted (8gs) what happens if say my vps is set not to permit one byte more to get saved and bukkit is trying to save data on a growing world?

    errors im getting are
    cant keep up
    data gets revereted back to past times
    and today logblocker failed to log in time range back to were world was last saved

    why i think this may be the issue in last few days my map size has jumped from 300-400megs to almost 800 megs (with 7 back cycled back ups) but it is not easy to check at a glance my space im using and im positive im now over the 8gigs allowed

    i also recently deleted a few backups i had and also set the max back ups to 3 rather than 7 for mcmyadmin hoping this will help
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    I always get "Can't keep up, did the system time change or is the server overloaded?"
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