What are in prison and role play servers?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Heliocloud, Jun 29, 2013.

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    If you're going to be mean, or not going to help. Leave. I only need ideas or suggestions.

    Okay, So I'm opening a GIANT 16gb server and I was wondering what are in prison and roleplay servers? If you know, please tell me and follow the format. :p

    Prison Server:​
    What is in the prison server?​
    The best thing in a prison server?​
    Suggest some plugins: [List them please] [Link would be nice but don't need one]​
    That's the format for the prison server.​
    Roleplay server:​
    What is in the roleplay server?​
    The best thing in a roleplay server?​
    Suggest some plugins: [List them please] [Link would be nice but don't need one]​
    That's the format for the roleplay server.​

    Bump :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
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    Don't bump within 24 hours.

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    I think this would get a lot more responses in the Bukkit Discussion thread, but...

    My idea of what's typically on a prison server is, of course, a large prison with your typical mines (ore, tree, wool, etc), your place to sell the things you obtain, someplace to keep your items (either private cells, chests, or the like), and there's generally that large, open courtyard where prisoners can fight. Regarding the players, it's typically something along the lines of a default player starting off as a C-Prisoner and has to pay their way through D-, B-, and A-Prisoner up to Free. If you're going to open up a prison server, I'd recommend taking a look at some of these plugins:
    WorldGuard, CommandRank, PrisonMine or MineReset, Jail, NoCheatPlus, Residence...
    My idea of what's typically on a roleplay server is, of course, a general theme and lore. You need to give your players something to roleplay about, don't you? Whether it's the much too common medieval theme about two kingdoms divided against one another, or a more unique one you'd come up with, it's got to have a theme and some lore behind it. I've always imagined the perfect roleplay server to be more MMORPG-esque, with free roam, dungeons, quests, etc. If you're going to open up a roleplaying server, I'd recommend taking a look at some of these plugins:​
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