What addons slow my server down

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by peter12321a, Dec 24, 2011.

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    Hi guys I was just wondering what addons slow my server down alot? And what ones I should remove?

    Alerter, BlockBlock, Buycraft, CartDispense, CraftBukkitUpToDate, EmergencyDowntime, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, LazyMassBuild, LogBlockQuestioner, MCSL, Minequery, MobDisguise, Multiverse-Core, NoCheat, Pail, PailPlus, PlayerLogger, Regios, Safe Creeper, ServerSigns, Spout, SpoutEssentials, Vanish2, Votifier, Welcome Message, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, NoLaggChunks, LogBlock, NoLagg, MobArena, VanishNoPacket
  2. Offline


    The ones I am aware of:

    Essentials (+ related plugins), LazyMassBuild when used a lot, LogBock depending on the activity, NoCheat depending on players online, MobArena and depending on your set up, Nolagg may actually be causing more lag then pleasure.
  3. Offline


    Things slowing you down:
    Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, LazyMassBuild, Multiverse-Core, NoCheat, PlayerLogger, Spout, SpoutEssentials, WorldEdit, LogBlock*, NoLagg, VanishNoPacket
    *This is especially true if you are using SQLite not Mysql

    Things you don't need:
    BlockBlock - WorldGuard does this.
    Essentials - overloaded with too many features you don't need. It is better to have 3 or 4 small plugins than 1 super large one, I recommend CommandBook from sk89q
    EssentialsProtect - WorldGuard, use it.
    Pail - You really shouldn't need a gui..but I don't think it is that resource intensive so w/e with this one
    PlayerLogger - You have logblock..
    Regios - WorldGuard can do this yet again.
    Safe Creeper - Again, WorldGuard
    Vanish2 - what? use, VanishNoPacket if the name of the plugin implies what it does.
    Welcome Message - Just why? This plugin is not even updated anymore and even essentials can take care of this.
    NoLaggChunks - Spout fixes this as a built in feature
    NoLagg - I really see no point in this unless you blow up thousands of TNT blocks or are just really bad with WorldEdit and make flowers go everywhere and lag your server all the time.
  4. Offline


    I know for a fact that NoLagg slows you down. It may get rid of lagg, but it sure doesn't get rid of lag!
  5. Got confused between Spout "addons" and Bukkit "plugins." Just to clarify, the list the OP mentioned were plugins.
  6. Offline


    Please someone can help me, my server was perfect, but in few minutes, begin a lot of lag, i dont can move me, I did nothing, just started a lot of lag...

    Sorry 4 really bad english (really, really bad english)
  7. Offline


    Someone may be lagging your server by dropping mass items(i.e 20 stacks of cobble), or have a mob spawner. Make sure to teleport around to make sure no one is lagging the server.
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