Weird but....

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by vhbob, May 29, 2015.

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    so i have this bug, and whenever i launch my plugin it says " Main class cannot be found! " but my class is there inside the package! heres my plugin.yml
    main: me.vhbob.collectables
    name: Collectables
    author: Vhbob
    version: 1.0
    description: Allows people to collect collectables!
        aliases: [cgive, Collcetablesgive]
        description: Give someone a collectable! 
    if someone can please tell me whats wrong it would help alot!
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    @vhbob YOu need to put the name of the class including the package, in this case
    me.vhbob.collectables.Collectables I guess
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    @Konato_K thanks XD stupid mistake on my part

    Also, does anyone know why
    hits me when i spawn it???? how would i get where the player is looking

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
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    @vhbob ever heard of getTargetBlock() ?
    Guess not. Also, you could google things like that easily or maybe even read the javadocs for bukkit.
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    @fefe2008 What would i put in the parameters for getTargetBlock(hashset<> byte, arg1)
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    @vhbob How about you find that out?
    Do you use a Hashmap - no.
    Do you use a Material(for the second variant) - no.
    -> probably null with a cast

    What would the integer be?
    Probably the distance it should look for the target block in right?
    -> whatever you want it to be

    Use your brain now.
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    @Konato_K Yeah I get upset with people who don't try to figure something out themselves before asking quite easily.
    And what makes it worse is that it's also quite easily accessable on the javadocs site, while it is also pretty self explanatory. But yeah... whatevs...
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