[WEB] Webstatistic for Minecraft v3.1 - mrplows

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by cky2250, Feb 19, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Have fun... hopefully you will update the SQL to be more practical.
  2. The download page says the 3.0 file is 7 month old?
  3. Offline


    Yes the beta is 7 months old. However 3.1 is not. Github removed the ability to add downloadable files to the projects. The source link to version 3.1 is on my website. I will update the link here to prevent further confusion.
    Sketaful likes this.
  4. Offline


    Just to note, iConomy Continued is off.
    cky2250 likes this.
  5. Offline


    Is this the directory I install it in? Or the Minecraft directory?
    And how do I access it once I've uploaded it? Also where do I change the MySQL login info?
  6. Offline


    Well if you read my main post you would find that there is "Installation:" section. This isn't a Minecraft plugin. This is a website plugin. Once it is placed on a web server you can then navigate to it on the browser of you choice and it will auto run a setup.
  7. Offline


    OH! I'm sorry, I misread it. Thank you! I knew it wasn't a MC plugin, just thought it was supposed to run from there :/. But thanks!

    Alright, so I got it to mostly work but I can't figure some things out. First how to setup the database so that I have a login, I ran admin/configsetup.php and tried to run admin/setup-config.php but that wouldn't accept my hostname (despite it being correct). Is there a different setup file i have to run? Your "Installation" instructions are more than a bit lacking. Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  8. Offline


    There was an error in my code I have just updated the Github with the fix.
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  10. Offline


    THe problem might be your php version I didn't switch all of the code to work with php5.5+ or someother setting done. At this point the plugin is dead with lack of interest in the community. Just learn how to code php and this plugin is a very good head start in what you want.
  11. Offline


    got it working however it was incompatible with my Database
    it kept saying that it couldnt connect to the database even though it was on same machine so i used localhost and i had credentials correct.
  12. Offline


    That would be a MySQL setting that only allows trusted ip and domain names from accessing the database.
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