Inactive [WEB/SEC/ADMN] MCbb v.1.12 phpbb/mybb Forum White and Greylist Connection Server<->Forum[1.2.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by blargh, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. Offline


    This is not possible. phpbb cannt access the Server (without installing a mod for that) Caching would not allow smooth Server Group Changes

    |Default| means the User is found in the group Default but he actually was not in the group Default as Server say. I would just try to alter your User part and let mcbb autocreate the Groups
  2. Offline


    Humm, I just saw the sentence: was not in Default. But, he still add the default group in the config...Strange...:confused:
  3. Offline


    Did you rename Default to default? i think thats the error. Or may its a mcmyadmin problem..
  4. Offline


    I can not change the group with a lowercase letter. McMyAdmin renames it with a capital letter... :(
  5. Offline


    FrancoisBerg you need to change the servergroup field in the Database to Default...
    i tested it loacally then it should work, well i only got the error on that way.

    Lua Support wip
  6. Offline


    In my database, I change my group by default for Enregistres (Register in french). So I should have no person in the group Default...
  7. Offline


    Öhm. Could you post a SQL of you Group Database then?
    /e Wont work on Plugin this Weekend, no free time for that
  8. Offline


    [quote uid=63355 name="blargh" post=921793]Öhm. Could you post a SQL of you Group Database then?
    /e Wont work on Plugin this Weekend, no free time for that[/quote]

    Here my database on mediafire: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    RIP Megaupload :'(

    No problem, take your time. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2016
  9. Offline


    FrancoisBerg i cant recognise your Problem. Created a User hes perfectly promoted.
  10. Offline


    I have no Default group anywhere ... I do not understand why he puts the default group. :confused:
  11. Offline


    i have no idea i got it working exactly you want
  12. Offline


    I'll watch it tonight. I have to update my server has Minecraft 1.1. So I'll have to disable the plugins in turn...

    Thanks. ;)
  13. Offline


    Does this work for IP.Board?
  14. Offline


    Not for now. Working on Lua Support, for every Board Software/Custome Software Support
  15. Offline



    I recreated a server. I have the same problem. :'(

    My plugins are:

    MCbb (I have test the DEV version and 1.6.4)
    mChatSuite (DEV)
    PermissionsBukkit 1.2
    Vault 1.2.5

    You have a new dev build?
  16. Offline


    FrancoisBerg ive got no idea. I will look assoon as i found the time
    /e Maybe could you try without MCMA? maybe its a problem with that.(I having issues setting a server on with that.
  17. Offline


    I disabled the function Permissions Exporting in MCMA. I renamed the group Default to default. Now the plugin works perfectly. I just need to set permissions in the text file now, instead of the panel. I think if McMyAdmin rename the default group, would solve the problem. Where is the problem ? I will try my server a few days. I will give you some news. ;)

    Thank you! :)
  18. Offline


    FrancoisBerg i think MCMA adds the UserGROUP on change or so, so it doesnt allow custome changes. I dont know. Good you found out how to fix this :D
  19. Offline


    Bad news... It worked for the first users who is connected. But after a while, it will not overwrite the old group. MCbb just added the new group. I just made a server with the 1.1 build recommend Bukkit, without using MCMA. But the same thing...

    I uploaded my entire folder of my minecraft server:

    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    As you can see it just the four basic plugins and does not work... :(

    EDIT: Why MCbb add default ? I do not even use this group in the database of my forum... :confused:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2016
  20. Offline


    FrancoisBerg öhm i tested it, but i didnt found any Bug
  21. Offline


    The plugin works 1/10 times. For example Delbane logged on the server. MCbb has changed in the Members group. If I change group of Delbane for Register. MCbb will just add it below Members ... Then, even if I change group, it will always be added ...

    - default - I do not know why he add default ...
    - membres (Members)
    - enregistres (Register)
    - membres

    EDIT: I have phpbb 3.0.10. Do you have the latest version of the forum? I doubt it comes from this... because in the log though he recognizes the group. He does not say it removes the other group.
  22. Offline


    FrancoisBerg are you adding a User to a group with a command or what? I cant reproduce your error.
  23. Offline


    No, I just have the plugins to run MCbb.

    Edit: Let me try something...

    blargh Try to change the group several times of a player. You will see the bug when he sync.

    Sorry for the double post (I think my first post was long),

    You it would be possible to add ReloadUser option: true/false

    For each login, the permisions of the players is reset ? It probably solve the problem...

    Thanks! ;)


    As you can see the player is not removed from the group.
    2012-01-26 20:06:54 [INFO] Delbane [/] logged in with entity id 376 at ([world] -295.0, 50.0, 30.28125)
    2012-01-26 20:06:54 [INFO] [MCBB] Player Delbane is authenticated!
    2012-01-26 20:06:54 [INFO] UserType: 0
    2012-01-26 20:06:54 [INFO] Starting SQL-GroupSync
    2012-01-26 20:06:55 [INFO] Player delbane is now in enregistres.
    2012-01-26 20:07:02 [INFO] Connection reset
    2012-01-26 20:07:02 [INFO] Delbane lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2012-01-26 20:07:04 [INFO] Delbane [/] logged in with entity id 448 at ([world] -295.0, 50.0, 30.28125)
    2012-01-26 20:07:04 [INFO] [MCBB] Player Delbane is authenticated!
    2012-01-26 20:07:05 [INFO] UserType: 0
    2012-01-26 20:07:05 [INFO] Starting SQL-GroupSync
    2012-01-26 20:07:05 [INFO] Player delbane was already in enregistres.
    2012-01-26 20:10:44 [INFO] Connection reset
    2012-01-26 20:10:44 [INFO] Delbane lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2012-01-26 20:10:46 [INFO] Delbane [/] logged in with entity id 3093 at ([world] -295.0, 50.0, 30.28125)
    2012-01-26 20:10:46 [INFO] [MCBB] Player Delbane is authenticated!
    2012-01-26 20:10:46 [INFO] UserType: 0
    2012-01-26 20:10:46 [INFO] Starting SQL-GroupSync
    2012-01-26 20:10:46 [INFO] Player delbane is now in membres.
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  24. Offline


    FrancoisBerg i dont get the sense of ReloadUser option. Will looking for that.
  25. Offline


    I do not know if by luck ... However, all users with a capital letter at the beginning of their names do not sync properly. This could be the problem? It's weird... :eek:

    .....The problem is that your "official" plug-in don't give a shit about capital letters......
    First comment...


    The problem seems not to come to your plugin. Would you it possible to make compatible MCbb for PermissionsEx? And everything works with vault 1.2.6 and craftbukkit 1.1 ?

    Thank you very much for your time. :p
  26. Offline


    FrancoisBerg PEX should work properly as Vault supports PEX. Will recompile it with new RB as soon as possible
  27. Offline


    No, when a player logs in, it says (MCbb) Permission error. I'm pretty sure if MCbb works with PEX, it will have no problem. :D

    Edit: Version: 1.17 (1.0.0) This version works, but is only add the group. It does not sync. While the latest dev does not work at all.
  28. Offline


    Does it work with free forums services (that uses phpBB 3), but you don't host it yourself?
  29. Offline


    I do not think its possible, unless you have full access to the database

    blargh I can not wait for the compile version for 1.1. :D lol
  30. Offline


    Yes thats not possible..
    FrancoisBerg new Update has brougth 62 warnings will fix them and reupload then.
    Edit: Okay i like the new EventSystem :D everything is updated so nothing is deprecated!

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