[Web] Cravatar

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by McLive, Sep 21, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Uhm? Looks like a bad copy :eek:

    Cravatar does not even need one second to render a 600x600 version. Also, your one does not have shadows. :3

    Also, I would like to announce that Cravatar has an 100% uptime till this date (93 days). Thanks for using it. :)
  2. Offline


    I know. Like I said, my version was hacked around in about an hour and has artifacts and performance issues. I was trying to work around some of the shortcomings in PHP with regards to image processing (which can't handle transformations well without the imagick extension).
    ChipDev likes this.
  3. Offline


    Hope to see it alive (if it works!)

    McLive Sorry for replying something "offtopic", I dont rely on 3rd party services.
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  7. Nice work, but if you see my avatar, this is how my Skin is (with the Hat), but this is what is show in Cravatar

    It looks way more different, even using the /helmhead
    I hope you fix this :)
  8. Offline


    Could I use this in my Iridium program? Unfortunately I cannot give you an idea of traffic, so I don't know how many computers around the world would be trying to call the cravatar website, but it shouldn't be more than 100 a day.
    I would of course credit you.
  9. Offline


    Hmm, weird. I'll see what I can do there.
    Oh, sure you can! :)
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    lol bumps :p Bumpy riiiide ~ (Sorry offtopic!)
    tyzoid likes this.
  12. Offline


    You should try this https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/web-php-3d-skin-render-png-svg.71052/ it works really well.
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    Mister_Fix Yes
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  17. Offline


    I'd like to hear how you fixed the bug, as even minotar doesn't get this fully correct.
  18. Offline


    i did the same for MCHeads, works perfectly, <removed possible ad - Iroh>
    contact me if you want the source code of the name validation.
  19. Offline


    Removed offtopic posts and possible ads. (please don't link your own services in a thread discussing someone else's)
  20. Offline


    That makes me quite mad or angry cause I can't find the correct script for the perspective view for my query script (Like yours)! I know you're based on minotar, just I can't figure how to do this and supermamie's one is nice but theres pixels on the head, no "smooth" edges...

    The why im still here because im still interested how you did it, I want to integrate it in my minotar setup, and used in my query script, that you refuse and ignoring me. I dont rely on 3rd party service, all modes in my query script are open source, why dont you? I just can't find the best script like yours...

    tyzoid tried it too :p

    Feel free to "report" this if im annoying, im just asking if you could ever PM that perspective view only.
  21. Offline


    I'm based on minotar? Not even a bit. Cravatar is completely selfwritten in python.

    You do not have to rely on 3rd party services, but then you can't use cravatar. It's that easy. I don't have to share my code and I don't want to.

    Also, I wouldn't report your post. I have no reason to. <Removed flamebait - Necrodoom>

    Greetz, McLive
  22. Offline


    Removed flaming again.
    Stop fighting or i will have to lock this thread and hand out warnings. This isnt the place to settle this, take it to PM.
    McLive and tyzoid like this.
  23. Awesome project! Much better than what I used to have :)
    Now if you made full body would be perfect! [diamond]
  24. Offline


    thanks, but full body is not planned at this moment. sorry
  25. Offline


    Hey McLive, i'm currently developing a Minecraft CMS and since your website works best and fast i was wondering if i could use your service to serve avatars throught the software.

  26. Offline


    Yes, sure. ;)
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    • Added french translation, thanks to Plumeex
    • Added swedish translation, thanks to Citymonstret
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  30. Offline


    I found some error in the french translation
    1. I think 'image 32px' and 'image 150px' are better than '32px image' and '150px image'
    2. Ther're some spelling mistake in the info panel
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