Web-books, mysql exportable books

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Sketaful, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. I have looked through all the different books plugins there is and found many that works well with exporting/importing books.

    I do however look for something more.

    What i want:
    First of all I want what many existing plugins already offer. I want to be able to unsign books, write books and export/import them and to offer books to players thrue different means.

    But I also want: To be able to save books in mysql along with players and what books they have found etc. This way I'd like to connect the game and the website so that if you check a players profile on the webpage you'll see what books he/she has found in the world. (By title or something).

    My idea is to fill the world on my server with books that have different stories. Some of the lore of the world, som to be logs from other adventurers long gone and so on. And I want players to curious about them. To see that others found books they did not know existed.
    This way some will start collecting them as a fun thing to do.

    It would also be great if the way the books are saved made it easy to create a way to actually write books through a webpage. This is mostly cause it's easier to write like that than ingame.

    My English kinda messes my ideas up a little when I put them in print here, but I hope you see what I'm trying to say. :)

  2. I guess this is something that is to difficult to make?

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