[WEB/ADMN] - Webukkit v0.beta9.5-fix3

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by cyberbobjr, Feb 12, 2011.

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    Version: v0.9.5-fix3
    Webukkit is a http interface for Bukkit.

    • Stats pages : top 10 builders, killers, travelers, etc. based on the Stats Plugin
    • GUI Plugins (see screenshots) for :
      • Permissions plugin
      • Achievements plugins
    • Show a map of your world (with an url like dynmap or a image file like mcmap)
    • Show/modify/backup your plugins configuration files
    • Access to some commands of TCP Plugin (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admin-dev-tcp-interface-for-bukkit-v1-1-297.746/) :
      • Send a message to a connected player
      • Send a message to all players connected
      • Kick a player
      • Display player's inventory
      • Destroy an item in the player's inventory
      • Give item to a player
    • Access to Remote Toolkit Plugin (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ad...view-full-remote-console-access-r10-a7-1.674/) :
      • Restart server
      • Restart forced server
      • Stop server
      • Stop Minecraft server
      • Start Minecraft server
      • Send console command and watch the result (ban, kick, op, deop, deban, etc.)
    • Interaction with Permissions plugin : allows users to register and be automatically listed in the Permissions plugin with a choosen world and a choosen group
    • Access to the server log
    • Theme support, you can made your own theme ! (Minecraft theme is provided, see screenshots)
    • Permissions for the website : ability to access map & stats pages for public/registered users
    Planned/Todo :

    - Edit profile for users : add avatar option for stats pages - (not started yet, planned for the 1.0)
    - Signature generator : make signature with player's stats - (not started yet, planned for the 1.0)
    - GUI for GroupManager : i'm waiting for the YAML fix or for the SQLite version of GM...
    - Mini blog engine : add posts and comments in the Public interface (not started yet, maybe for the 1.0 version)
    - Replace TCP Remote Plugin by my own plugin : RemoteTCP (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/dev-remotetcp-v1-0-crypted-server-query-602.10506/), more secure, more faster.


    You will need :
    • HTTP server with mod_rewrite support
    • MySQL 5
    • PHP 5.2 or greater (or PHP 5 but with json package)
    Download (open)

    You can download the archive here : http://code.google.com/p/bukkit-webadmin/downloads/list

    You can access the source code here : http://code.google.com/p/bukkit-webadmin/source/checkout

    Screenshots (open)

    Webukkit permissions (Theme : minecraft)
    Gui for Achievements (Theme : minecraft)
    Stats page (with Stats plugin) (Theme : minecraft)
    Installation Windows
    Connexion Windows
    Configuration Windows
    Map Windows (with dynmap)
    Map Windows (with integrated viewer - mcmap example)
    Log Windows
    Plugin Editor Windows
    Status Windows : Server command & Player command & Player inventory
    GUI for Permissions plugin

    Installation (open)

    A tutorial was write for installation, look at this : Tutorial step 1

    You must have an HTTP server AND a MySQL base AND PHP Version >5.2 (for json thanks to zajacmp3 ;))
    1. Unzip the archive in your html root folder.
    2. Go to http://yourserver/index.php/installer/ and follow instructions.
    Linux Users, attention :
    • The files unzipped must be owned by the apache group !
    • If you want to modify config file for plugins, the minecraft directory must be writable by the apache group !
    Install these scripts to the same server that host Minecraft if you want to edit config files of plugins.

    If you want to use TCP Bukkit Interface, it's must be configured with this option :

    Upgrade to 0.7 (open)

    From 0.5beta : please don't do an upgrade with the 0.5beta, it's better to do a fresh install.
    From 0.6beta : is not necessary, uncompress the 0.7beta archive and run it's enough.

    Instructions :

    1. Unzip the archive into your Bukkit Webadmin directory (be careful to the rights)
    2. Go to http//yourserver/updater and generate the tables you don't have.

    Interaction with Permissions plugin (open)

    I've tested this functionnality with Permissions Plugin 2.1.
    Be carefull : do a backup of your config file "yml" before.

    This functionnality let your users to register on the site and automaticaly be added to the Permissions Plugin.
    You choose the default group and default world for new users.
    This functionnality is not mandatory, it's an option, you can choose to activate it or not.

    For enabling this functionnality, go in the config menu, check "Use Permissions plugin" and choose the default world and default group. The group list is calculated dynamically on the configuration file of Permissions plugin.

    Each time a user registers on the site, a new entry is added into config "yml" file of Permissions plugins. If you use the Nukkit plugin (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ad...-web-based-authentication-and-promotion.4631/) the permissions will be automatically reloaded, if not you must reload manually configuration of Permissions plugin.
    If you want to reload automatically permissions plugins, click on the chekbox "Reload permissions after new register ?" (warning it's experimental). You must have RemoteToolkit Plugin enabled and correctly configured.

    How to made your own theme (open)

    Theme files must be in the directory /theme
    The name of the directory will be the name of your theme, it will be visible in the config menu.
    In your theme directory, make CSS and IMG directory.
    Inside CSS, put your ... CSS files :) You must have 3 CSS :
    • "default.css" - General CSS for the website
    • "jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.css" - You can generate CSS at this url : http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/
    • "selectmenu.css" - CSS for the dropdown langage selector
    Inside IMG, put all images files necessary for your theme.

    For example, you want to design a theme called "NochtheBest".
    Create a directory named "NochtheBest" in "Theme" directory.
    Create a CSS and IMG in "NochtheBest", copy your CSS and IMG files inside them.
    You will have :
    \ - Theme
    \ - NotchtheBest​
    \ - CSS​
    \ - IMG​

    Done! You can change your theme in the config menu to "NotchtheBest"

    Changelog (open)

    version 0.9.5-fix3 - 2011-04-16
    • Fix a bug with achievement editor
    • Fix a bug for the path of items.txt
    version 0.9.5-fix2 - 2011-04-14
    • Fix for Stats & Achievements v0.9
    version 0.9.5-fix1 - 2011-03-22
    • Remove test menu :p
    version 0.9.5 - 2011-03-21
    • Add SQL support for Stats & Achievements plugin
    • Add support for Stats & Achievements plugin v0.8
    • Fix a bug for a trailing slash in the main root url
    • Add singlequote instead of doublequote for YAML config file
    version 0.beta9 - 2011-03-13
    • Add theme support
    • Add permissions for website (for stats & map)
    • Add stats pages (with Stats plugin)
    • Add group and user management for webukkit
    • Add GUI for Achievements plugin
    • Add an option for reloading Permissions plugin when a user is registered (experimental)
    • Full french translation
    version 0.beta8 - 2011-03-11
    • Add a php version check for the installer
    • Add a langage selector (French is translated "petit à petit") - Thanks to Amrac !
    • Add a GUI for Permissions plugins
    • Modify the registration system for new users into Permissions plugins, add the world option
    • Fix a bug with trailing slash in the minecraft path
    • Fix a bug in core.php for the UTC time zone
    Version 0.beta7 - 2011-03-01
    • The name is now "Webukkit" instead of "Webadmin Bukkit"
    • Subdirectory feature : you can now install Webukkit in a subdirectory instead of a root web directory
    • Add an edit button for editing template plugin
    • Fix a bug images displayed in inventory when you use subdirectory
    • Add a log windows : now you can see the log server.
    • You can send command to the console in the "log" menu (be careful it's experimental, use it at your own risk).
    • Add another map system, you can now use a standard image file for displaying map instead of a url for dynmap (the image file must be stored in /maps/images)
    • Ajax request don't block the windows now, a simple "wait cursor" is now displayed when an Ajax request is made
    Version 0.beta6 - 0211-02-24
    • Fix a bug when the plugin name contain a space, the plugin tab did not display the config file.
    • In the installer, you can now choose if you want to create a database or use a existing one, you can also set the prefix for tables.
    • You don't need anymore to be root of the database for creating tables and inject data, a valid account with privilege is enough.
    • Add licence information
    • Add "hold" and "unhold" command for Remote toolkit
    • Automaticaly add registered users to Permissions Plugin with a default choosen group (it's an option, you can uncheck this feature if you want)
    • Add some verifications check in the register panel
    • Add user management in the config tab
    • Add a button in the 'Edit plugin' menu for deleting old config file
    • Add new items from the Minecraft 1.3 version
    Version 0.beta5 - 2011-02-21
    • Remove the rewriting process, no more .htaccess !
    • Major change in directories structures
    • Add a user registration (for later)
    • Various minors fixes and checks
    Version 0.beta4 - 2011-02-18
    • Add Remote toolkit support (it's now possible to restart the server)
    • Add UTF-8 support for config file (Gastronomic plugin for example)
    • During the update it is now possible to import new templates plugins
    • During the installation, the "tmp" directory AND subdirectories are write-checked
    • CSS cleaning
    • Remove some useless function (the status windows display faster now)
    • Windows in the inventory panel are moveable
    • All always, some minors bugs fixed
    Version 0.beta3 - 2011-02-16
    • Add inventory management
    • Change the status windows
    • Add a check for installation for security (if a file exist, you can't install anymore)
    • Add an updater processus
    Version 0.beta2 - fix 2
    • Add verification of permissions in the installer process and the config process.
    Version 0.beta2 - fix 1
    • Many littles fixes for Linux system
    Version 0.beta2
    • First release to the public

    0.beta9.5 is still free, but you can donate.

    v1.0 will cost 5€ when it will be done.


    PS : sorry for my bad English, i'm a French native ;)

    Thanks to MonsieurApple for his Minelink PHP Class (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/minelink-0-1.3564/)

    Tested on :
    Windows 7 - Xampp 1.7.3
    Windows XP - Xampp 1.7.3
    Linux ClearOS 5.1 - Apache/PHP 5/MySQL 5.2
    Centos 5.3 - You must upgrade PHP to 5.2 => http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/PHP_5.1_To_5.2

    Tested with :
    CraftBukkit build 617
    Permissions plugin 2.5.4
    TCP Plugins 1.2
    Remote Toolkit plugin r10 a8.2
    Stats & Achievements v0.9
  2. Offline


    I think the Google project page for bukkit-webadmin is offline. It's not showing up in the Google project search.

    Edit: Nvm, seems to be back.
  3. Offline


    Version beta4 is out !
  4. Offline


    Not Works
    The requested URL /installer/ was not found on this server.
  5. Offline


    Yeah, i'll try to make this tonight.

    But for the moment, this is major steps to do :
    1. Be sure to install the scripts on the same server which host Minecraft (it's mandatory if you want to edit plugin's config)
    2. Go to http://yourserver/installer
    3. The 2 first lines check if apache user have permissions on /app/tmp AND/app/config
    4. Check your database connection
    5. Click to create the config file (it will create a /app/config/database.php with all parameters of your database)
    6. Click to create the base
    7. Click to create the tables
    8. Click to create the data
    9. It's done, you can now go to http://yourserver/
    10. The default login/password is admin/admin
    11. Click in the top menu on the config button
    12. Check the TCP Bukkit if you want to access inventory, pid, pm, kick action on a player (be sure to install TCP Bukkit plugin (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admin-dev-tcp-interface-for-bukkit-v1-1-297.746/) with json enabled)
    13. Type parameters for TCP Bukkit
    14. Type others parameters if you want (Remote toolkit, new ! ;) dynmap
    15. If you want to use Config Plugins Editor, be sure to indicate the complete path to Minecraft (in my case is /usr/minecraft on my linux box, I repeat : you must install the PHP scripts on the same server than minecraft)
    16. Now, go on the tab "plugins" in the config menu, here is the most important part, i explain :
      1. "Name of the plugin" MUST BE the name of the plugin WITHOUT the .jar extension, it must be the same case than the file. The scripts will check in the directory /minecraft/plugins and looking for this file
      2. If the file is found in the /plugins directory, it will display the "Path to the config file"
      3. The field "URL" is just for ... fun ?
    17. With the packaged installation, somes templates has been already defined (BukkitTcpServer, Permissions; new : MyHome, RemoteToolkit, LWC, Gastronomic)
    18. If you click on the "View plugins" in the top menu, you should see the plugins installed on your minecraft server. The content of the config plugin file is refreshed on every click.
    I hope that this will help you.
    Don't hesitate to ask your questions.
    --- merged: Feb 18, 2011 8:20 PM ---
    Be sure to unzip the content in the root folder of your HTTP server.
    For example, with my linux Box, the Web root dir is /var/www/html/
    If i unzip the package in /var/www/html, i will have :

    I must move all files and folders from /var/www/html/BukkitAdmin to /var/www/html/
    On which OS do you want to install it ?
  6. Offline


    I have the content stored in var / www / html and in the Address line IPDomain.net / an installer, where
    Can you help me by Teamviewer?
  7. Offline


    Not for the moment because i must log off.
    Question : your HTTP server has htaccess activated ? The HTTP server must use rewriting for taking in charge .htaccess
    For example, this is my apache configuration for the /var/www/html :
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
    <Directory "/var/www/html">
       Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    I'm not an apach specialist, but it's work :)
  8. Offline


    I have the same problem like the one above you.
    Will try to reconfigure my apache server.

    @Edit: Okay I moved forward after configuring conf

    @Edit2: And stuck not so far from that point ;)

    It stuck here forever. Tried every known by me option to fill this.
    localhost, root@localhost for username. Nothing. Using mysql 5 something php 5 something and phpmyadmin
  9. Offline


    I think the host must be and not (this ip don't exist in the internet world) but with "localhost" it should have worked.
    I'll look inside this problem.

    Edit : I have made tests :
    When i stop the MySQL server and i "check connexion", i have a "connexion failed" in 2 sec.
    If i put a wrong login or password, i have a "connexion failed" in 2 sec too.
    If i put a wrong host, i have a "connexion failed" in 25sec.
    On which system do you have installed the scripts ?
    Can you access your mysql database with phpmyadmin for example ?
  10. Offline


    I installed it on Centos 5
    Yes I can access my mysql database with phpmyadmin.
    Entered now
    Host "localhost"
    root username "root" - will try another user
    password - typed wrong and nothing happened.

    Ah, and I saw someone up has offered seeking into his PC by teamviewer. If this would help you I can also do this :)
  11. Offline


    Ok, i can use Teamviewer but i must finish my lunch :) I can be ready in about 30 min .
  12. Offline


    Can you help me by Teamviewer?
  13. Offline


    yeah too :)
    Can you open a session and give me the code please ?
  14. Offline


    Okay send me a PM when you will be ready and I will send you all data you need to connect.
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    I think I have done something wrong, but dont know what. This is what my installer page looks like;

    I cant get past the database config, the site also doesnt displat any images. Anyone got a clue?
  17. Offline


    It's because you dont have rewrite enabled on apache, you must have mod_rewrite and have a correct conf.d file for Apache, for example :
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
    <Directory "/var/www/html">
       Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    Where /var/www/html is my root web directory
  18. Offline


    Issue was that I had 5.1 php installed. It do not run json. So I had to remove all php on my Centos linux system. And add repository to install 5.2

    I done it like that...

    added a file called CentOS-Testing.repo
    # nano /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Testing.repo
    And there I pasted this:
    # CentOS-Testing:
    # !!!! CAUTION !!!!
    # This repository is a proving grounds for packages on their way to CentOSPlus and CentOS Extras.
    # They may or may not replace core CentOS packages, and are not guaranteed to function properly.
    # These packages build and install, but are waiting for feedback from testers as to
    # functionality and stability. Packages in this repository will come and go during the
    # development period, so it should not be left enabled or used on production systems without due
    # consideration.
    name=CentOS-5 Testing
    Thanks for help via teamviewer :)
  19. Offline


    Thanks to you i understand that PHP 5.2 is necessary ;)
  20. Offline


    It just wouldnt seem to work on my machine but I just tried it on a vanilla machine and worked straight away, I'll just reinstall the machine, thats quicker :) Thanks for the help anyway!
  21. Offline



    I´ve installed it Successful and everythink works fine, but in the inventory editor are no images (see picture).
    I Allready enabled "all jsons".
    What can I do?

    Attached Files:

  22. Offline


    Hi Blacky,
    Strange, can you verify if the items pictures are presents into the directory ? the complete path is /app/webroot/img/items.
  23. Offline


    Hi cyberbobjr,

    yes the pictures are in the folder one picture with the id and one picture with the name of everyone.
  24. Offline


    you should have about 220 files under /app/webroot/img/items, if you have not this number of pictures, maybe it's a extract error.
    If you right-click on a missing picture, you should have "copy image url" (or about) menu, can you give the url of one missing picture please ?
  25. this is also working without any faults on:

    OpenSuse 10.x/Apache/PHP5/MySQL5.2

    The Only thing is i dont the the PNG Images in the Inventory
    above is working now
    i took the img folder from /webroot/BukkitAdmin/app/webroot
    and placed it into webroot and it worked for me :D

  26. Offline


    I set the minecraft path to the correct path (/root/craftbukkit/) and it still says it is wrong. Does this mean the actual minecraft game files? If it does, then I can't get them because minecraft won't work on a no-gui linux server.
  27. Offline


    Hi Drampelt,
    It's just a matter of rights, you must give write access to the minecraft dir. (In my case i do a "chmod a+w minecraft -R"). Bukkit Webadmin need write permissions for 2 things :
    • Made a backup of config file for plugin, Bukkit Webadmin made a directory named WebBukkitBackup and put backup config file inside it
    • Save the config file of plugins, config files can be in minecraft or minecraft/plugins directory. If you want to edit/save these files, apache must can write inside it.
    That's why apache must can browse the minecraft dir, and must can write inside minecraft dir.
    --- merged: Feb 21, 2011 7:56 AM ---
    Hi ItsCriminal,
    Thanks you for your report, it's really strange that you must move the img folder, please can you give more details ? where is exactly your complete path to the img folder ?
    Thanks you very much.

    Note for all and progress : i'm working on a separation between the public interface and a private interface. The private interface will be for administrator. Public interface is for ... public :) I'm thinking about a Nukkit integration, with this public can register on the website and will be integrated into Permissions plugin.
    I'm thinking about joomla integration too, i already have made a Joomla integration with another pro project. With this feature, administrator can access to the registered Joomla users and put them into Permissions plugins. The only limitation is that Joomla, Minecraft and BukkitWebadmin must be on the same server.

    Best regards
  28. Ok the whole was like this:
    /html/BukkitAdmin/appwebroot/img/items <-images file they was missed on the begging
    /html/BukkitAdmin <-thats the folder where admin, app, cake, plugins, vendors is located

    so what i changed was, that i moved img folder from
    so it looks now like this
    /html/img/items <- now the place of the item pictures
    /html/BukkitAdmin/ <-- still at the place where it was :D
  29. Offline


    More I use it and more i feel like cake is really to heavy, hard to hack (if you don't know cake), hard to install, and need rewrite to work.

    So here is the question why cake ?

    Edit: Update to 4.0 Broke everything:
    edit 2 : I had to desactivate rewrite rules. It works now, you should consider remove them to improve compatibility
    edit 3 :
    Notice (8): Undefined index: useRemoteToolkit [APP/views/public/view_config.ctp, line 88]
  30. Offline


    Ok it seems that it must be a rewriting problem. But if it's work, don't touch :)
    --- merged: Feb 21, 2011 9:46 AM ---
    Hi Reno31,
    Why Cake ? because :
    - like i said : we must think big but start small :)
    - I have many ideas, but i must integrate them one step by one step, if i start to hardcoded from scratch (without framework) at a time it will take a longest time for adding new functionnality

    - CakePHP is not the most lightweight framework, but it's not the heaviest either
    - It respect the MVC standard of PHP coding, it's important, because in the future you can modify the visual aspect of your website
    - CakePHP have some many usefull functions (Database access, MVC coding, AJAX helpers, HTML helper, etc.)
    - I have coded some pro applications with CakePHP and i'm starting to master the framework

    But i'm not complety closed, if you think to know a better PHP framework (please dont talk about Codeigniter or Zend ;)) with good arguments, i can reconsider my opinion :)

    It's not really signifiant, it's a warning from a little routine for checking permissions. I think your logging level in core.php is set to 1 or 2 (it must be set to 0, it's strange because in beta4 the log level was set to 0).

    Best regards
    --- merged: Feb 21, 2011 9:53 AM ---
    The next version can be used with or without rewriting, but without rewriting you will must unzip the archive in a different place, i'll explain that in the next version.

    It's "normal" (i don't like this sentence in data processing, but it's true :)), useRemoteToolkit is a boolean value, this value don't exist before (if you do an upgrading or fresh install) that's why an alert was raised, but it's the same case than before : your log level is set on warning, that's why you'll have some warnings. Just disable your warning level. (But i have fixed this for the next version ;))
  31. Offline


    CodeIgniter is not that bad :p, but no i was thinking, from scratch it make easyer to understand, but your right, time is an issue.

    And Yes I set debug to 1, but i dont use apache so it's easyer to correct error when we can see them.
    Not necesseraly, but explain how to di it (by modifiying app/config/core.php) would be good.

    And On inventory i got this instead of image :

    Notice (8): Undefined variable: inv2 [APP/views/elements/show_inv.ctp, line 37]Notice (8): Undefined variable: inv1 [APP/views/elements/show_inv.ctp, line 35]

    And (again), How did you see plugins management ? A folder for plugins and averyone could post an addon to your plugin to manage a specific plugin
    Or ... ?
    Because it start to having a lot of plugins, and support them all by yourself will be insane (wrong understand sorry ;) )

    Edit: On plugin page i got : Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible.
    Did I miss something ?
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