Weather and blocks event

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Someone_Like_You, Apr 14, 2014.

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  1. What event is called when snow (from the sky) block form and what event is called when dirt grow grass?..
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  3. Timbo_KZ Ty haha :p, another question, (NMS) which method in EntityZombie (if its even there...) do I have to override to make zombies appear normal zombies only? (not babies/villagers)
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    I'm not really sure how different Spigot is from Bukkit, but I would check if the zombie .isBaby() or .isVillager() on CreatureSpawnEvent and cancel the event accordingly.
  5. Timbo_KZ I have to set it thru NMS code (overriding)..
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    I can't help you atm as I'm not used to NMS, but when I'll have some free time I'll look into it and post my suggestion here.
  7. Why not just listen to CreatureSpawnEvent and if the event.getEntity() instanceof Zombie, cast event.getEntity() to a Zombie and set it to be normal (zombie.setBaby(false) and zombie.setVillager(false))
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    It's a better solution, I didn't notice OP said "override" and not just prevent.
    KingFaris11 likes this.
  9. KingFaris11 I know he is, thats why Im not tagging him... I dont see this question as hard enough to ask him, theres probably way around lol.,
    SOLVED :p
    KingFaris11 likes this.
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