I'm interested in a console command that would let me either get the current moon phase of a world, or the full time of a world. If I can get the fulltime, I can just calculate what the moon phase is from there. Does such a thing exist already?
Hi! I can do this very easily. One question however: How can you calculate the moon phase based on the full time? Once you tell me that I can make the plugin do it for you.
I could be wrong, but I think the following would work: If you assume the following to be true 1.) there are 24000 ticks in a minecraft day 2.) there are 8 phases of the moon You should be able to figure out the phase of the moon, since they repeat in 8 day cycles. See what I mean? I could rough out the pseudocode if needed.
Sorry about the delay, I've gotten caught up with another project today. I'll start work on this right now. Hi! I've added this to my up-and-coming plugin InfoBukkit. While all it does now is display time information, it will be able to inform you about memory usage and performance in later versions. Use the command "/info time" (or "/i time" for short) to have a look at the current moon phase. You can download it here. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.