Way to get a reference to the default world?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by capsup, Mar 4, 2011.

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    Okay. So I'm making this plugin where it's possible to make the compass point to a bunch of bookmarks you make yourself. Doing that, I am going to use sqlite to save all these various bookmarks. Okay, so that's all done and stuff. My problem is to retrieve a reference to the world by the name that I have saved in the sqlite database, because creating a new location means I have to give it a reference to the world, and the obvious x,y,z. Thing is I use my own class, SqliteManager to do all the sqlite stuff. However, this class does not have access to the getServer() function in any way, so I can't do the whole getServer().getWorld("world") thing. And therefore I cannot just return a HashMap<String, Location> back to the calling function from within the plugin. So my only solution as I currently see it, is to create a custom Location class and then do the whole thing in there. Could anybody help me out and tell me if there is any smarter way to do this?
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    You can do this by making a variable in the main file public, and then get it.

    If this is part of the main file, Lets call it Main.java
    public static Plugin plugin;
    onEnable() {
        plugin = this;
    Then from another file, lets say SqliteManager.java
    Hopefully you get my point :)

    Just a tip the next time you write something, don't write it as a wall please :)
  3. Offline


    You could pass the server reference as an argument to the function you're calling or store a reference to your JavaPlugin or Server in the SqliteManager class. Then you can do plugin.getServer().getWorld("world") or server.getWorld("world").
  4. Offline


    That would only work if the SqliteManager is a class object that I have to instantiate. Which is not the case. I only use it as a library.
    --- merged: Mar 4, 2011 7:49 PM ---
    Thanks. Passing the server reference as an argument is probably what I'll start to do for now until I find a prettier way.
  5. Offline


    This is not true, the variable plugin is static :)
    I use it in a simular purpose.
  6. Offline


    Haha, you're totally right. I'm so glad I was wrong for once. :) Works wonderfully. Thanks alot for your help.
  7. Offline


    Per the Bukkit multiworld announcement and subsequent threads, getWorlds().get(0) is guaranteed to be the default world.
  8. Offline


    Glad I can help :)
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