*Water Witching* Plugin.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by chernobyl360, Feb 12, 2011.

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    Another Stupid idea i wanna try to code...
    simply call it *TheWitch*

    witching is known as *Dowsing* or to find water

    I would like to try and make a plugin that finds water and lava. Then have other commands find snow and desert biomes.so is this even possible?

    i would like to set a stick as the tool.

    /witch Water Finds Water
    /witch Lava Finds Lava

    /witch Snow
    /witch Desert
  2. Offline


    AFAIK you can get to any block in the world, so if you just go from the player position outwards, you can scan the surrounding blocks.
  3. A Block variable contains .getBiome() so it should be possible
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