Water! A unofficial plugin manager for Bukkit.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by ccallahan, Apr 22, 2011.

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    I am working on a program I call Water. Since Fill doesn't seem to be going anywhere, I am going to make something to hold over until then. I need to strongly emphases... THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL! IF YOU ASK BUKKIT FOR SUPPORT THEY WILL NOT HELP YOU AND MOST LIKELY TELL YOU TO GET GLASSES SINCE YOU CAN'T READ. Here is how it works.

    Download the files from Git.
    Add a your Bukkit directory to the WATERHOME enviroment variable in your shells rc file.
    Run water-fill --package (package name).
    Run water-pour --package (package name) to extract the archive (it's just a tar renamed to .h20)

    While I am working on this, I would like it if people started packing their plugins into the following file structure format...


    Any questions? PM me here or on the MC forums (hyp3rdriv3).
  2. Offline


    Is it just me or are there no links in this thread...?
  3. Offline


    I guess he is simply stating that he.. Wants to make this?

    Personally I just use replace air with water then fixwater.. Also wouldn't this be a plugin, not a tool?
  4. Offline


    It looks like he was talking about a plugin manager of some sort. He just called it "Water" because, well, "Bukkit".
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    No offense ccall, but I seem to not understand the point? I just tested //fill in-game and it works perfectly?
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    That's not what he's talking about...! It's a plugin manager! Read the thread title!
  7. Offline


    So a plugin manager will be replacing a fill command? Excellent.
  8. Offline


    Okay really, I just can't keep this up, it's too ridiculous. My original post stands though!
    Really, subtlety is not your strong suit, is it? Then again, I overdid it with the seriousness, so who am I to complain, eh?
  9. Offline


    it will not replace a command...
    and /fill might work, but the fill website is needed for that and that website is not done
  10. Offline


    excuse my lack of knowledge on this specific subject, the, "fill website"?
  11. Offline


    Should be releasing the core today. I was originally going to do it in Golang, but, bash and batch will have to do for now.
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