Wanted levels, cops

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Aomine123, Feb 25, 2017.

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    Hello, Coders
    - Wanted Levels Every time a player kills another player their wanted level increases by one. For every wanted level a player has, the more money someone receives if they kill them. For example, if player A has a wanted level of 12, and player B kills, them, they'd receive $ X times the Wanted level. If a cop is killed, they player will receive a set amount of money.(Needs to have an API that feeds into FeatherBoard so the player's wanted level can be viewed on the sidebar)

    - Cop Mode Players with certain permission can do /cop (as long as they have a wanted level of 0) which will put them into a certain mode with a designated inventory, where they're will be a configurable blacklisted commands while in /cop. While in /cop, the player should be able to do /wanted list to view the top current online players and their wanted level. The player in /cop should be able to do /wanted select <playername> then which a compass in their inventory will point to the selected player, and the compass will show the name of the selected player and their distance from the person in /cop. Players in /cop will only be able to attack players with a wanted level, unless a player with a wanted level of 0 hits the cop. If a player in /cop dies, they will remain in /cop until they do the command to go back to regular mode, and their last inventory will be restored. If a player logs out in /cop, they should be put into the regular mode upon logging in.
    - Wanted Clear Signs Specific sign that will clear the WL of a player for a certain price depending on their current WL
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