Vote Logger

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Four_Down, May 30, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Suggested name: VoteLogger

    What I want: I'm using GAListener to give users rewards for voting, however it does not log votes. So, I'm looking for a plugin that can log votes so I can check who voted the most each month and reward them. Logging them in mySQL would be great, but a flatfile is fine too.

    It doesn't have to be pretty, it just needs to be readable.

    Ideas for commands: Commands aren't really needed for this.

    Ideas for permissions: N/A

    When I'd like it by: ASAP
  2. Offline


    You should find everything you need with OnTime. It has a built in votifier listener, stores vote counts to MySql, can generate top xx list of voters per day, week and month, issue rewards automatically with each vote or every X votes, issue rewards automatically at the end of each day, week, and/or month to your top voters!
    timtower likes this.

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