I hope this is possible... Plugin name: Villagerguards commands: /spawn villagerguard (spawns a guard at cursor location, OP only) permissions: None What it does: This plugin makes it possible for villages to have guards. These guards are green robe villagers shooting arrows. They spawn among normal villagers, requires housing and can be born by breeding villagers. Their spawn rate/ spawn chance is equalent with the other villager types. These guys are not tradeable, they are only meant for defending the village. They behave just like iron golems. They attack hostile mobs (excluding creepers) and they are neutral against players. They will however attack those who damages any villager/villagerguard/irongolem. They attack by simply launching off arrows from their body. same range, detection and damage as skeletons but same health as villagers. Villager guards drops 0-2 arrows and low xp.
Plug ins cant add new items or npcs, they can only change the way current ones work, and even then there are limitations. Youll need to find a website for requesting mods rather than plug ins (which will require a modded client too so your friends cant play with you unless they have the same modded client).
this is not a new npc. This plugin re-uses the green robe villager which already exist but currently is not spawning. I know plugins can add green villagers to the world. Also Ive seen many servers have arrows fly from many kinds of places. Both mobs and randomly in the air. Im kind of sure this could work. I have also seen plugins deny trading and changing mob drops. I think this plugin is possible exept changing the npcs pathfinding thing. Else the villager may be functioning but just launching off arrows from where they are? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
You can use the Sentry model from Citizen's 2 to accomplish this, though they won't be able to be spawned normally. This is probably your best bet, since adding new AI to a non-existing unit is probably not something someone can do
Is it possible to make it exacly like how I want it? green robed villagers shooting arrows dropping 0-2 arrows spawning among normal villagers having the ability to be born and breed to make baby greenrobe villagers and requiring housing and acting like a irongolem, aggressive against hostile mobs and neutral against players? I tested sentry once and it was very hard to understand and I don't think I found anything like this
What I was trying to say is exactly what you want is very difficult to achieve, if at all. I don't think it is possible to do with Bukkit. That's why I was trying to suggest the alternative of using Citizens 2 and Sentry
If you still need help formatting Citizens or Sentry and want to know a means of achieving close to what you have requested, let me know