Vanilla Caves

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Sparaat, May 13, 2015.

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    I'm making a Survival Island plugin, but I don't know how to add vanilla-like caves, ravines, mineshafts, etc. to it. Is there something in Bukkit that will generate it, or a external libary?
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    You might be able to use Terrain Control as far as integration without... using the plugin itself.
    Other than that... this is about it.

    This one first.

    Contd of first.

    You could also look here.
  3. Offline


    @nbrandwine I already have the code that generates the map, except underground structures like caves.
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  5. Offline


    I think that I need this part of the code:
    private WorldGenBase t = new WorldGenCaves();
    But, to use t.a();, I need to give an IChunkProvider (in the code, ChunkproviderGenerate) up as a parameter. I can't find in the code where I can get that, it is everywere private.
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