Solved Validate Block Data with Material

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Guru2764, Aug 27, 2020.

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    I am making a world-editing plugin, and I am having trouble with validating block data.

    What happens is:
    1. User types a command with coordinates, a material type, and block data
    2. The plugin takes the information, and places that material with that block data at the location specified
    I would like to verify that the block data will work with the material before executing the command. For example, if someone inputs 'oak_stairs' I would like to check whether the data, for example 'NORTH' for the direction it faces will work for that block.

    I already have the code working for testing whether the 'NORTH' string works, and whether 'oak_stairs' is a valid block, but I cannot figure out a way to test whether that direction is valid without trying it on a physical block in the world.

    Example data will be formatted like 'facing:NORTH'

    public static boolean dataValidate(Material material,String data) {
          return false;
        else {
          String dataHeader = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(data,":");
          switch(dataHeader) {
            case "facing":
             //This is where I don't know how to connect it to the other method without finding a block in the world and making it the material type
              return false;
    public static boolean validateFacing(Block currentBlock,String data,CommandSender user) {
        String dataContent = (StringUtils.substringAfterLast(data, ":")).toUpperCase();
        if(currentBlock.getBlockData() instanceof Directional) {
          try {
            //This is where it tests it on a real block
            Directional dir=(Directional)currentBlock.getBlockData();
            } catch(Exception ec) {
              user.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+dataContent+" is not a valid direction for this block!");
              return false;
        else {
          user.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+"You cannot set a direction for this block!");
          return false;
        return true;
    It doesn't seem to be that I can test that without performing the action on a physical block. Is my only option that avoids changing blocks to hard-code each block type and see if the inputted data matches the list of data it can have applied to it?

    The reason I want to not test it on a physical block is because I want to use these same methods for behind-the-scenes actions elsewhere.

    Thanks for any help,

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
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    @Guru2764 What do you mean by "direction is valid"? How would it be invalid?
    It sounds like you just want to check if a field in the BlockFace enum by that name exists.
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    Thank you for your reply!

    That wouldn't have worked for me because not every BlockFace can be applied to every Block type, like for example stairs only have 4 BlockFaces they can use, so I would have had to have gotten a Directional from a BlockData and ran the getFaces method. I think I may have found a solution though. I just found this method under Material:


    I will test and see if it works.


    Thank you again, and for anyone else who's having the same issue:

    [material].createBlockData() will create a functioning BlockData you can test block states on.

    Marked as solved

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2020
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