Using Command YML Nodes

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Mixcoatl, Feb 5, 2011.

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    Ladies, Gentlemen:

    I'd like to get the position of the developers and community on utilizing the YML nodes exposed by the getCommands method of the PluginDescriptionFile class.

    I've used these nodes in a plug-in to provide additional details for each command, but I have no idea what the long-term intentions are for these nodes or whether others are using them similarly. I'm more concerned that I may come to depend upon them for certain purposes and lose access to them in later versions of Bukkit.

    Presently, I'm adding an additional node, "handler," which is the class name of a class to which invocations of the command are re-directed dynamically. These classes implement the Handler interface and are provided by means of a HandlerFactory whose responsibility it is to decode the handler node into a class instance.

    In the longer term, I intend to use these nodes for quite a great deal more. But first I want to make certain this usage is considered "appropriate" and won't go the way of the dinosaur in the long term.
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    I like the idea.
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    I don't mind, but there needs to be more direction on what they want out of it and documentation on how they work (Unless I completely overlooked it).
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