Users Getting Booted Randomly

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by tha d0ctor, May 8, 2011.

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  1. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    This happens to one user at a time every so often, they are kicked (not by me). usually when they are kicked it spams that "User has left the server" multiple times up to 4 times usually. After that they are able to rejoin.

    sorry there is nothing from the console that can help, my server runs McMyadmin at

    #2011-04-08 18:45:04
    #Server info:
    Server name - Unknown Server
    Server port - 8651
    Minecraft version - 1.5_02
    Bukkit build - 740
    Bukkit version - git-Bukkit-0.0.0-706-gf53e007-b740jnks (MC: 1.5_02)
    #Plugins info:
    ApiCraft - 0.2
    AutoAnnouncer - 1.1-04.10
    BedrockControl - 1.4
    BorderGuard - 3.1
    BukkitCompat - r13
    ControllerBlock - 1.18
    CraftBukkitUpToDate - 2.5.1
    dynmap - 0.16
    Essentials - 2.2.6
    EssentialsProtect - 2.2.6
    EssentialsSpawn - 2.2.6
    FalseBookCore - 0.84alpha
    FalseBookIC - 0.84alpha
    FishPeople - 1.5
    FullChest - 0.1
    GroupManager - 1.0(alpha-5)
    HeroChat - 4.10.3
    iConomy - 5.0
    joerep - 0.5
    JSONAPI - 1.1
    LogBlock - 0.15
    LoginMessage - 0.6.4
    LWC - 2.31
    mcbans - 2.9.1
    mcMMO - 1.0.07
    MessageChanger - 0.22
    MinecartManiaCore - 1.1.9
    MkDir - 1.1
    MonsterHunt - 1.0.2
    MultiHome - 0.9.2
    PerformanceTweaks - 0.06
    Permissions - 2.5.1
    PluginInfo - 0.1.2
    RealShop - 0.6
    Residence - v2.0
    ShelfSpeak - 0.5
    SignColours - 0.3
    SlowHealth - 3.0.1
    Sprint - 0.9
    uQuest - 1.21
    VehicleZap - 1.1.0
    WeatherControl - 1.1.0
    Whitelist - 2.7
    WolfPound - 0.12
    WorldEdit - 4.5
    nothing? anyone? no one is getting spam for users leaving the game, it shows the user leave 3-5 times usually

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  2. Offline


    This happen if users try use flycheat or smth another. Or fast drill down (i mean,drill column down)
    check your
  3. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    fast drill, so mcmmo could be causing this?

    no access tp server.cfg :/
  4. Offline


    no, I mean fast drilling down. Just create collumn from 50 to 129 block and start drill down.
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