User specific chest inventory.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Penorzilla, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Is it at all possible to make a flat file plugin that has different inventory for different players?

    What I want to do is add these chests to my rpg server so lets say your getting ready to go on a huge journey and the king wants to give you his set of iron armor to help aide you on the journey.

    The stuff is in the chest and when you take it out, someone else can also take it out a few minutes later, but you can't just sit there and keep taking the armor out of the chest (Which is why regenerating chests wouldn't work)

    I was hoping it would be something like this..

    I do /setchest and right click a chest. It than saves a txt file with the coordinates of the chest. So like penorzilla-xyz.txt

    Inside the txt document would be:

    Coordinate: x,y,z
    Playernameone: item:ammount, item:ammount, item:ammount
    Playernametwo: item:ammount, item:ammount, item:ammount

    The item:ammount would automatically be whatever was in the chest when i did the /setchest command.

    If you want to keep it efficient you could probably just have a default line for each chest. and it would only add a playnameone: item:ammount if the player changed the inventory from what was default.

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