Inactive [USER/RP][Spout/Perm/mySQL] SpoutPlayers 2.0.5: player models, appearance, PM's and more[1.2.5-R4.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by nil0bject, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SpoutPlayers 2.0.5[formerly SpoutPlayerSkins]
    Donate - THANKYOU!!!
    Change player models, skins, capes, names, gravity, jump height, walk, air, and swim speed, render distance and many more!

    Project Page:
    Please submit problems with SpoutPlayers to:

    Settings can be stored in your config file or mySQL database.
    Restrict user permission to allow/deny changing of values.
    Change groups of players with one edit.

    Create a group type:
    /set @<type> <groupName> <value>
    Set a players type to a value or group type:
    /set <playerName> <type> <value>
    Reset a players type value to default:
    /set <playerName> <type>
    Display info:
    /set <playerName>

    /set nil0bject
    /set skin admin*.png
    /set nil0bject skin admin
    result: my skin would be set to
    /set skin admin
    result: my skin would be set to
    /set nil0bject skin
    result: my skin would be set to

    <type>s are:
    - name: change the name
    - cape: change the cape
    - skin: change the skin
    - mob: change into a mob with a valid ID number of a minecraft entity. Get them from the wiki.
    - grav: changes how quickly you will fall. will still take fall damage. will get kicked if floating for too long.
    - walk: how fast you walk
    - swim: how fast you swim
    - air: how fast you fly
    - sight: how far the player can see. reduce lag or increase visibility.
    - jump: how high you can jump
    - fly: true or false
    - pm: send an achievement notification to a player with your name and message
    - warn: constantly send a warning to a player until you send another warning with only a fullstop in it

    Server Installation
    1. Download SpoutPlayers
    2. Download Spout.
    3. Copy SpoutPlayers.jar and Spout.jar into your bukkit servers plugin folder.
    4. Start or restart your bukkit server.

    Player Installation
    1. Download SpoutCraft Linux: jar Windows: exe MacOS X: app.
    (optional)1.1. Copy Spoutcraft.jar to where your minecraft launcher is.
    2. Open Spoutcraft.jar.
    3. Login with your minecraft account.
    4. Wait for a clean copy of minecraft to be downloaded and modded.
    (this does not modify your original minecraft)
    5. Connect to a bukkit server running Spout and SpoutPlayers!!


    2.0.5 MultiWorld support for MySQL servers
    * if you use MySQL to store your SpoutPlayers data, then you now can set player type values on a per world basis.
    * /set <playerName> <worldName> <type> <value>
    # /set nil0bject world skin*.png
    # /set nil0bject world_nether skin
    # /set nil0bject world_the_end skin
    * this isn't supported with config files yet. please consider using MySQL.
    2.0.3 - More @<types>!
    - you can now use the @<type> command with all the types to make groups with names.
    eg. /set skin nameOfMyGroup

    - fixed the console spamming
    - added more default options when a new SpoutPlayers/config.yml file is created

    -SpoutPlayers now saves your settings

    - updated to work with latest craftbukkit 1.2.5 and latest SpoutPlugin/SpoutCraft 1.2.5
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#141414][B]1.9.1 - bug fix[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    - fixed error with morphing into mobs.
    1.9 - Private Messages via Achievements!
    - add a new <type>: pm
    - this will send an achievement notification to a player with your name and message
    - much easier than finding your name in the chat log
    - usage: /set nil0bject pm Hey.What_ya_doing?
    - nb: currently messages can only be one word, and less than 26 characters.

    -fixed a few bugs with the config and warn type.

    -trying to fix permissions errors
    SpoutPlayers 1.8 - warnings and morphing
    - send an achievement notification to any player. will keep warning until it is reset
    - /set nil0bject warn stopMessingAround*
    the warning can only be one word on the command line, so it's best to setup premade warnings in your config(warns:) or mysql(SPwarns)
    reset warning:
    - /set nil0bject warn .
    - /set nil0bject warn

    - morph into any entity installed in all connected clients
    - this means, using the ID number of an entity(eg Ghast is 56), you can change your appearance for other players, not yourself.
    - /set @mob ghast 56
    - /set nil0bject mob ghast
    and then for lulz
    - /set nil0bject grav 0.1
    - /set nil0bject air 100
    - /set nil0bject fly true
    - if all clients have a mod installed, that includes a custom entity, you just need to know that entities ID and everyone can change into it.
    - who has some cool minecraft models?
    - this is part of the custom player model integration.

    Vanilla Entities
    entity, ID
    "Creeper", 50
    "Skeleton", 51
    "Spider", 52
    "Giant", 53
    "Zombie", 54
    "Slime", 55
    "Ghast", 56
    "PigZombie", 57
    "Enderman", 58
    "CaveSpider", 59
    "Silverfish", 60
    "Pig", 90
    "Sheep", 91
    "Cow", 92
    "Chicken", 93
    "Squid", 94
    "Wolf", 95


    ------------------future updates-----------------
    - custom entity skins
    - hide name
    - respawn with different values. ie zombies!!
    - custom player models(will require client mod)

    Donate - THANKYOU!!!
  2. Offline


    Thanks for being so patient, everyone!
    This is the first part of the rewrite. I still have to add temporary skins and capes for players without save permissions.

    Things you must know:
    - with this update comes a new config. It is now in the 'SpoutPlayers' folder. You can delete your old 'SpoutPlayerSkins' config folder.
    - a player needs to have permission to save, if they want to change a skin or cape. This will change.
    - the config has been simplified. I've noticed most errors are due to bad configs.
            cape: 1M
            skin: Notch
        updateFreq: '400'
        debug: true
        mysql: false
        port: '3306'
        address: ''
        user: ''
        database: ''
        pass: ''
    - the command has been simplified. I've noticed a few errors are due to bad commands.
    /sp - base command. no more /cape or /skin.
    /sp <playerName> - display appearance info about the player
    /sp <playerName> <skin|cape> - remove unsaved skin or cape
    /sp <playerName> <skin|cape> <url> - set the skin or cape to the url
  3. link gives me a page saying "Could not locate object"

    patiently waiting :)
  4. Offline


    One problem man, the command /sp clashes with world edit super pickaxe which also uses the command /sp for the pickaxe
  5. Offline


    AH BUGGER!!! so, maybe /spa = SpoutPlayerAppearance?
    or /sps and keep the name SpoutPlayerSkins? or SpoutPlayerS?
    or perhaps /set?
    /set nil0bject skin http://...png
    /set nil0bject title "Lord nil0bject"
    /set nil0bject fov 200

    yeah, that could work nicely.

    DOUBLE BUGGER!! Sorry, I should check the link after I upload....Re-uploading now.

    Done! 1.8

    I changed the name because I rewrote everything
    SpoutPlayers 1.0

    1.9 -> SpoutPlayers 1.0
    - Rewrote the entire plug, so I renamed and versioned it.
    - command is now /set, due to conflict with /sp.
    - players without save permissions, can change skins and capes temporarily, if they have .changeOwn or .changeAll permissions.
    - loading and saving to the config file now completely implemented.
    Thanks again!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  6. set is too general as a command though. (most plugins "set" something or have a command thats like /plugins set *something else here*)


    or go back to /skin /cape, I liked those
  7. Offline


    yeah, i liked cape and skin too... but maybe it's too confusing? eventually i want to be able to modify heaps of things, not just the cape and skin. ie title/display name.

    is /setplayer too long?
  8. Offline


    Any possibility to see this plugin appear in github (source availability)? I was wishing to integrate it with my own plugin.

    (I'd rather be respectful and not decompile it without permission)
  9. Offline


    Yep, I plan to setup a public repository for this. Would you prefer an API?
  10. Offline


    An API would probably be best in the long term (for future use), but for now a public repository with the source would be fine. I am planning on integrating both multiverse and spoutplayers to set a players skin based on the teleport they choose.

    :D found it now just have to wait

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    Would it be possible to even change the whole model ? so we can use a new one ? :D
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


  15. Offline


  16. Offline

    Grammar Troll

    Could you possibly write some code for Spoutcraft, to make your mod Spout-compatible?
  17. Offline

    nil0bject is!!! that's why it's called SpoutPlayers... oh... you mean the player model mod?
    SpoutCraft doesn't support changing the player model. How should I do it?

    OK. These are the things I think I can add. Tell me which ones you'd like:

    • jump height
    • air speed
    • can fly?
    • walking speed
    • swim speed
    • gravity
    • texture pack
    • render distance (could be handy for fixing lag)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  18. Offline

    Grammar Troll

    I meant that you should contribute to the Spout(craft) code, by making a pull request on GitHub (or something like that).
  19. Offline


    oh! ok! good idea!!
  20. Offline


    Loooove this plugin!
    nil0bject likes this.
  21. Ok, im Dumb.

    Everyone is notch. How do i set it so that players have thier own skins, unless specifically changed?
  22. Offline


    haha, don't worry. I haven't updated the instructions yet, so, no problem.
    all you have to do is remove the @global property. eg
            cape: 1M
            skin: Notch
    remove all 3 three lines if you want everything as default.
    or, just remove 'skin: Notch' if you'd still like to set a global cape.

    tell me if you need help and post your config file.
    Thanks for using my plug!
  23. Offline


    Really good plugin, thanks so much for posting it.

    I'm having an issue with the commands
    /set MYNAME skin

    Output is:
     [INFO] /set [<playerName> [info||<type>  [<url>]]] (type is either skin
     or cape)(url must be a valid http link to a png)
    Can you help me with this? D:
  24. Offline


    Do you have permission to change a skin?
    Code: true
    sorry about the unhelpful message. It should say "you do not have permission to change your own skin."
    I'll add better error messages. Thanks for pointing that out to me!!
  25. Offline


    I was hoping to have a permanent skin set depending on the first world/portal the player enters (after a spawn world). Therefore I would prefer it to be portal based, as players will not return to the spawn world.
  26. Offline


    Yes, I have permission, but I still get this error ._.
    Heres my permissions file
            - Admins
  27. Offline


    Does it work without Spoutcraft, so only with Spout and SpoutPlayerSkins on the server.
    Because I dont want to force my players to use Spoutcraft.
  28. Offline


    Spoutcraft is not required. But only Spoutcraft clients will be able to see the skin/cape changes.
  29. Offline

    Grammar Troll

    (on a side note, it would be cool if you could add walking speed, swim speed, gravity and jump height! but I'm really looking forward to the custom player model for Spout. I can't thank you enough for even trying)
  30. Offline


  31. Offline


    2011-10-01 13:56:05 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_JOIN to SpoutPlayers
        at nil0bject.spout.spoutPlayers.SpoutPlayerAppearance.getUrl(
        at nil0bject.spout.spoutPlayers.SpoutPlayerAppearance.<init>(
        at nil0bject.spout.spoutPlayers.SpoutPlayers.addPlayer(
        at nil0bject.spout.spoutPlayers.SpoutPlayerListener.onPlayerJoin(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet1Login.a(SourceFile:59)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:94)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    @nil0bject - This happens. Any one able to help me ?

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