Useful plugins for iConomy income?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Cyberpew, Apr 2, 2011.

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    Hello, I am looking for some useful plugins on ways to keep money flowing to players. I use iConomy for currency, I need some suggestions as currently my server is stuck without players having income due to lack of a plugin for income.

    Ideas anyone?

    Anyone know anything for an iConomy login bonus for every 24 hours?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  2. Offline


    I know there's a plugin for killing monsters, but i'm kinda in the same situation, shops are probably the best way to go as well.
  3. Offline


    ecoCreatures pays for killing monsters, and localshops allows player shops as well as an admin shop that never sells out or stops buying. I use both on my server and we love it. You can customize ecoCreatures payouts
  4. Offline


    BankAccounts can be used to get interest on a account balance (extremely slow though), also iMonster/ecoCreature can be used to give money based on monsters/animals killed.
  5. Offline


    how do you get bankaccounts in iconomy?
  6. Offline


    DropBonus is amazing for this.

    You can configure any monsters, animal, block to drop any item or coin amount. Drops can be randomized, and amounts can have ranges, and the tool used to kill or mine the block can have an effect as well.

    It uses YAML for configuration, which works beautifully as long as you understand and respect it's rules.
  7. Offline


    I use this one, and i must say, he is right, that is the BEST option for a drop mod

    A few uses i came up with, some abandoned:
    Nether creature hunting reborn! Find gold and iron at 5% ratio, and diamond at 1% ratio off nether mobs!
    Stone no longer drops mere cobble! Smooth stone every time and cobble 25% of the time! (Abandoned for economy)
    FlyridgeFly + feather drops! Took them off normal mobs, added them to the shop for alot of coin, feathers i mean, for the plugin so users could fly at own cost. (Abandoned, got rid of flyridgefly)

    Im sure you can think of many more, so yeah, DropBonus all the way!
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