Use less CPU on server idle?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Derf321, Aug 8, 2012.

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    I run a small server with some friends 24/7 and I was wondering if there was any way to set it to use less CPU (or ram) when no one is on it? It only uses like 5% of my processor (6-core), but I have other things running and I'd like to keep it as cool and quiet as possible.
  2. Offline


    Probably not besides shutting it down (Bukkit, not the computer) while not being used...
  3. Offline


    If it's small enough for that, just rent a shared minecraft server for like $5-$10 monthly. (more if you want better quality)
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  5. Offline


    I know processors can change fanspeed according to the load they're under, but a bukkit server at all times uses 5% and around 300k ram because its constantly loaded and running its script. I'm wondering if theres a way for it to go into like an idle mode where it doesnt use as much
  6. Offline


    lol noobs. Besides buying new hardware, get the MultiVerse plugin then go into the world.yml file and set all worlds' "keep spawn loaded" setting to false. It brought my server down from 30-50% idle usage to 1-5%. If there's no one on, any CPU used is just doing mobs and physics on the spawn area.
  7. Offline


    Are you really sure it works this way? Not doubting you, just wondered, if you are absolutely sure that the keep spawn in RAM setting had such an enourmous effect on CPU usage, or if another factor you might have changed at the same time influenced it (as well)?
  8. Offline


    Nope, I'm pretty sure that's what did the trick. On my server at least. :p
  9. Offline


    Do you know if multiworld has this option? Or if its easy to change from multiworld to multiverse?
  10. Offline


    I've never used MultiWorld. Look up the MultiVerse wiki and see if it's got auto conversion. I know Multiverse-Inventories (an optional part of MV that handles separate-world inventories) has import options for other plugins so there might be an auto converter for MultiWorld.
  11. Offline


    I'll look into it thanks!
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